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City's MUPTE. She said she would support the MUPTE application before the council but unless future <br />applications were in the west part of town, she would be unlikely to support them. <br />3. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />A. Approval of City Council Minutes <br />- March 9, 2011, Work Session <br />- March 16, 2011, Work Session <br />- April 11, 2011, Work Session <br />-April 11, 2011, Regular Meeting <br />- April 13, 2011, Work Session <br />B. Approval of Tentative Working Agenda <br />C. Adoption of Resolution 5031 Adopting Inflationary Adjustments to Systems <br />Development Charges for Park System and Amending Resolution No. 4900 <br />Councilor Taylor, seconded by Councilor Brown, moved to approve the items on the <br />Consent Calendar. Roll call vote: The motion passed unanimously, 8:0 <br />4. ACTION: <br />Adoption of Resolution 5032 Approving a Multiple Unit Property Tax Exemption for <br />Residential Property Located at 1647 through 1689 Pearl Street and 231 through 235 East <br />17` Avenue, Eugene, Oregon (Pearl Street Sustainable Housing LLC /Applicant) <br />City Manager Jon Ruiz introduced the item, which was a resolution to approve a MUPTE for residential <br />property located on 17` Avenue and Pearl Street. He recalled that the council had approved a point <br />system for measuring the public benefit from a project and directed staff to recommend projects that <br />received more than 100 points. The project in question, the Paradigm on Pearl, had received points well <br />over that minimum threshold. Amanda Nobel Flannery of the Planning and Development Department <br />was present to answer questions about the application. <br />Councilor Taylor, seconded by Councilor Brown, moved to adopt Resolution 5032 <br />approving a multiple -unit property tax exemption for residential property located at 1647 <br />through 1689 Pearl Street and 231 through 235 East 17` Avenue, Eugene, Oregon (Pearl <br />Street Sustainable Housing LLC /Applicant). <br />Mr. Clark said lie agreed with the testimony offered by Kevin Matthews. He said the more the City did to <br />increase density, the more important quality was. He liked the idea of incentivizing higher quality design. <br />He believed the project, by virtue of the points received, qualified as quality construction. He supported <br />the motion. <br />Mr. Brown asked questions clarifying the amount of taxes that would be paid by the project. <br />Mr. Brown recalled the council's discussion about Civic Stadium, during which several councilors <br />expressed concern about finding the money for the project and concern that spending money on the <br />project could affect the funding for social services. He pointed out that the property in question could <br />have been taxed to support those services. He looked forward to a work session on the MUPTE program <br />in general. Mr. Brown did not support the application, and believed the program had outlived its <br />usefulness. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council May 9, 2011 Page 5 <br />Regular Meeting <br />