Attachment A
<br />Summary of Changes to the FY12 Proposed Budget
<br />City of Eugene
<br />Council
<br />FY12<--------------- Budget Committee Actions --------------->FY12
<br />ProposedMisc.EncumbrancesCapitalBudget Comm.ctiondopted
<br />AA
<br />Fund / DepartmentBudgetActionsReserve/CarryoverCarryoverRecommend.Budget
<br />A.General Fund
<br /> Central Services22,856,736 650,000 a,b23,506,736 23,506,736
<br /> Fire and Emergency Medical Services24,309,653 24,309,65324,309,653
<br /> Library, Recreation & Cultural Services24,893,591 24,893,59124,893,591
<br /> Planning and Development5,783,013 150,000 c5,933,013 5,933,013
<br /> Police42,049,223 42,049,22342,049,223
<br /> Public Works6,282,833 6,282,8336,282,833
<br /> Debt Service239,510 239,510239,510
<br /> Interfund Transfers4,668,659 (150,000) c4,518,659 4,518,659
<br /> Intergovernmental Expenditures500,000 500,000500,000
<br /> Contingenc100,000 100,000100,000
<br />y
<br /> Reserve11,551,324 2,175,775 13,727,099 (109,900) d13,617,199
<br /> Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance21,150,100 109,90021,150,100 d21,260,000
<br />Total164,384,642650,000 2,175,775 - 167,210,417 - 167,210,417
<br />a)Move to fund 10 additional jail beds in FY12 (for a total of 20) at $350,000.
<br />b)Move to allocate up to $300,000 for Buckley House services in FY12 and FY13.
<br />c)Move to reallocate $75,000 from the General Fund fleet replacement transfer and $75,000 from the General Fund transfer to the Ambulance Transport Fund, for a total of $150,000, to
<br />
<br />the Human Services Commission to fund shelter services for Eugene residents.
<br />d)Reduce the Reserve for Revenue Shortfall by $109,900 and increase the Unappropriated Ending Fund Balance (UEFB) by the same amount. This adjustment reflects the increases to
<br />the FY12 budget approved by the Budget Committee and is necessary to comply with the City policy to budget two months of General Fund's main subfund operating expenditures in
<br />UEFB.
<br />B.Special Assessment Management Fund
<br /> Central Services88,920 88,92088,920
<br /> Interfund Transfers3,000 3,0003,000
<br /> Misc. Fiscal Transactions110,000 110,000110,000
<br /> Reserve50,000 50,00050,000
<br /> Balance Available1,216,544 1,216,5441,216,544
<br />Total1,468,464 - - - 1,468,464 - 1,468,464
<br />C.Library Local Option Levy Fund
<br /> Interfund Transfers497,245 497,245497,245
<br />Total497,245 - - - 497,245 - 497,245
<br />D.Road Fund
<br /> Public Works9,795,624 206,402 10,002,026 10,002,026
<br /> Interfund Transfers667,000 667,000667,000
<br /> Balance Available1,139,236 1,139,2361,139,236
<br />Total11,601,860 - 206,402 - 11,808,262 - 11,808,262
<br />