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Item 2D: Adoption of Resolution 5035 Authorizing Transfer of Energy Bonds for LCC
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2011
CC Agenda - 06/27/11 Meeting
Item 2D: Adoption of Resolution 5035 Authorizing Transfer of Energy Bonds for LCC
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6/24/2011 1:51:57 PM
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6/24/2011 10:16:08 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />the small amount of allocation that each jurisdiction has been granted. The City of Eugene does <br />not currently have any projects that would qualify for or make sense to finance using QECBs. <br /> <br />As part of the Governor’s Cool Schools Initiative, the Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) <br />has requested that jurisdictions not utilizing their allocation transfer their unused QECB <br />allocation back to the State. The State is aggregating these unused allocations to issue the bonds <br />as the source capital for a Cool Schools Initiative loan program operated under ODOE’s Small <br />Energy Loan Program. The resulting financial product would be a low interest loan with a <br />maximum 15-year term. <br /> <br />ODOE’s initial list in March 2011, of potential K-12 school projects that would receive <br />assistance under the Cool Schools program did not include any schools in Eugene. Given this, <br />staff worked with local schools and LCC to determine if there would be a use for the City’s <br />allocation locally rather than giving up this allocation to the state-wide effort. From these <br />discussions with Eugene and Bethel School Districts, as well as LCC staff, it became clear that <br />the LCC Downtown Campus project would be the most viable use of Eugene’s allocation given <br />the project financial gap that exists for high efficiency and renewable energy elements, LCC’s <br />proposed uses meet the bond program requirements, and LCC expressed the greatest interest in <br />issuing the bonds given their current bond activity. On June 14, the LCC Board approved a <br />resolution requesting that the City consider transferring its allocation for use in the Downtown <br />Campus project. The LCC resolution is included as Attachment A. <br /> <br />The City resolution included as Attachment B would allow the City to transfer its QECB <br />allocation to LCC to lower the cost of borrowing for some of the sustainable building strategies <br />included in the project. Specific elements that would qualify for use of these bonds are the solar <br />and geothermal energy systems to be included in the project. There are many other elements of <br />the project that include energy conservation elements, and those may also qualify for use of <br />QECBs if the solar and geothermal systems are deemed not eligible for some reason. The use of <br />QECBs would allow LCC to borrow funds at a lower cost than would otherwise be available for <br />financing and further assist LCC in successfully completing this highly important downtown <br />development project. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />Downtown revitalization and the projects referenced in this material are supported by the <br />Downtown Plan, the council’s 2009 Vision and Goals, and a number of plans and reports related <br />to downtown. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />\\Cesrv500\cc support\CMO\2011 Council Agendas\M110627\S1106272D.doc <br /> <br />
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