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CC Minutes - 05/26/11 Joint Elected Officials
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 05/26/11 Joint Elected Officials
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City Council Minutes
Joint Elected Officials
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Ms. Proehl reviewed the PRC's estimate methods for post - censal estimates. She discussed the differences <br />between PRC's original 2010 estimates and the census counts and the reasons underlying those <br />differences. She reported that the PRC's performance was very good overall, and the center continued to <br />work to improve its methods. <br />Ms. Proehl reviewed the PRC's methods for the Revised Certified 2010 Population Estimates. She shared <br />findings specific to Lane County about the reasons for the differences between the PRC's estimates and <br />the 2010 Census. Ms. Proehl highlighted steps Lane County and its cities could take if they believed the <br />census counts were wrong. <br />Ms. Proehl noted inconsistencies between the Census 2010 city boundaries and 2009 boundaries <br />produced by Oregon's GEO in Cottage Grove, Dunes City, Eugene, and Springfield and indicated PRC <br />would do follow -up research with the cities as to reasons for the inconsistencies. <br />Ms. Proehl encouraged jurisdictions with questions to call the PRC and invited their assistance in making <br />the population estimates more accurate. <br />Ms. Proehl concluded her presentation by sharing some general Oregon trends, indicating that people <br />were still moving to Oregon despite the current economic climate; smaller rural communities continued to <br />lose population to larger metropolitan areas, although some rural areas with amenities were attracting <br />retirees; senior citizens were increasing in number; the percentage of children in the population was <br />declining in many counties; and the Hispanic population was increasing while the non - Hispanic <br />population was decreasing. <br />Ms. Proehl invited questions. <br />Mr. Clark asked if the PRC's participation in the American Community Survey process allowed it to <br />correct errors made by the census. Ms. Proehl said she could try to make such corrections, but it was <br />likely the US Census Bureau would require detailed evidence, such as a sample of housing units and the <br />population. <br />Responding to a question from Mr. Sorenson, Ms. Proehl indicated the Oregon Legislature employed the <br />enumeration conducted by the US Census Bureau as of April 1, 2010, for redistricting. Those numbers <br />were also used to determine the five Oregon Congressional districts and by other Oregon jurisdictions and <br />special districts. Mr. Sorenson further determined from Ms. Proehl that the US Census Bureau numbers <br />could not be changed and were fixed at a point in time. <br />Responding to a question from Mr. Leiken, Ms. Proehl said that declines in the numbers of people under <br />age 18 were a national trend and she linked that fact to declining fertility rates. <br />Mr. Farr noted differences between the PRC and US Census Bureau population data for Eugene's Ward 3 <br />and asked Ms. Proehl to explain the difference. Ms. Proehl suggested that PRC's group quarters <br />population numbers were incomplete. It was also her observation that the number of registered voters in <br />such populations was not as high as in older populations. <br />Mayor Piercy thanked Ms. Proehl for the presentation. <br />MINUTES —Joint Elected Officials— May 26, 2011 Page 2 <br />Lane County, Eugene, and Springfield <br />
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