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CC Minutes - 05/26/11 Joint Elected Officials
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 05/26/11 Joint Elected Officials
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City Council Minutes
Joint Elected Officials
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In regard to the first concern, Ms. Riner pointed out decision - making remained with each jurisdiction and <br />recommendations would reflect existing policy direction and local values. She described how the <br />consortium would work and anticipated that each jurisdiction's staff would pursue implementation at their <br />respective agencies. <br />In regard to the second concern, Ms. Riner outlined steps to help ensure accountability to elected bodies, <br />which included development of a communication plan that would ensure monthly updates. <br />In regard to the third concern, Ms. Riner emphasized that the process was intended to fill in the gaps <br />between some of the existing plans with technical assistance. All the work contemplated was focused on <br />increasing efficiencies. <br />In regard to the fourth concern, Ms. Riner said new members would only be added if all consortium <br />members agreed. <br />In regard to the final concern, Ms. Riner emphasized that staff work outside of currently programmed <br />activities would be funded with grant funds, and the funding would allow staff to better leverage the work <br />they were already funded and required to do. <br />Ms. Riner acknowledged that some questioned the need for additional planning. In addition, there had <br />been questions about how the process in question differed from the Region 2050 process. She pointed out <br />the different funding source and group of participants involved in that effort, and suggested that lessons <br />had been learned from the Region 2050 process that could be applied to the consortium. <br />Ms. Riner reviewed next steps in the process, which included revisions to the Memorandum of <br />Understanding (MOU) between participating agencies. <br />Mr. Clark asked about the scope of Eugene's three -year commitment. Eugene City Manager Jon Ruiz <br />anticipated it would largely be an in -kind match. Mr. Clark suggested the potential the federal funding <br />approach changed again; what was the value of the work? Ms. Riner pointed to the reauthorization of <br />federal transportation funding as one example of an area where the results of the consortium could be <br />employed. <br />Mr. Poling did not believe the Eugene council had received sufficient information about the consortium <br />and suggested the council schedule a work session on the topic. He had received the meeting materials <br />too late for adequate review and did not feel able to discuss them. He questioned if Eugene would be <br />looked to disproportionately as a source of funding. <br />Ms. Wylie supported the proposal. She spoke of Springfield's TEAM Springfield effort, a consortium of <br />all Springfield public agencies, and said that effort had accomplished a great deal. She emphasized the <br />important role that consortiums played in forming the relationships that were necessary to local problem <br />solving. <br />Ms. Ortiz pointed out to Mr. Poling that there were many grant opportunities the council did not hear <br />about. She supported the consortium and said it sounded exciting. She suggested the elected officials <br />needed to have faith in the judgment of staff. <br />Mayor Piercy recalled that the council had been invited to an event celebrating the kick -off of the <br />consortium. She suggested that much of what was contemplated through the consortium was embedded <br />in the City's Envision Eugene planning effort and fit into the work the City was already doing. <br />MINUTES —Joint Elected Officials— May 26, 2011 Page 4 <br />Lane County, Eugene, and Springfield <br />
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