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8413 <br />And in general those uses which have been declared a nuisance in any court or r :cord, <br />or which may be obnoxious., or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, dust, smoke, <br />gas, or noise, provided however, nothing herein shall be constr to prohibit the <br />Erection. or maintenance of an industrial use permitted by this section which, shall have <br />not more than 25% of the floor area devoted to a prohibited use which is clearly and <br />customarily incidental to the primary use. <br />Section 7. 11 Hi7AVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS. There is hereby established in the City of <br />Eugene what is known as heavy industrial districts from which nothing is excluded which is <br />not cons' .dered a ' m .enace to health, or obnoxi or injurious to the pUb l i c welfare. <br />Section 8. ExISTIM13' BUILDI1 AND PREMISES. Any lawful use existing in any building, <br />structure or premises at the time of the passage of this ordinance may be co ntinued therein, <br />although not conforming to the district* in which ii: is mai ntaired ; provided. that in case a <br />business or industry is being maintained in a residence district at the time of the e assa'• <br />p f <br />of this ordinance, the building, structure or premises in or upon which it is maintained <br />shall not be enlarged in _height or bulk or reconstructed of more permanent fnatc-ri a? . <br />Section g. REVERSION OR EXCEPTION. In case a building or st-uc:ture on any premises <br />which is bounded on three or more Sides by a different use district shall be razed or re -- <br />moved or be more than 50% burned , ' destroyed or deteriora then, a r.d without furthor <br />action by the Council , such premises shall be atitomat.ically reclassified without notice as <br />a di .c.tri ct of the same class to which i t had previously formed n <br />� reviou <br />R y a except : on , and t'liereafter � <br />such premises shall be sub�pct to all the restrictions of such new classification. For <br />the purposes of ascertaining. the kind of districts by whi such a building, structure or <br />premises is bounded any intervening s treets or alleys shall be disregarded. <br />Section to . PRIVATE GARAGE AND OTHER OUTBUILDINGS . Customary outbuildings such as <br />private garages or other customary subordi buildings may be erec ted. altered (or ma n- <br />ta i ned as accessories to any main bu i dl i ng , provided their use i s incidental to the use of <br />_ e� <br />such main bui l d i , ig and they are situated on the same 'lot or Dar f . <br />cel o rand a s the mai <br />n <br />building. <br />Section I1 • BOARD .OF APPEALS AND ADdUSTME.NITS. The Board of Appeals heretofore ap i ointe <br />and established inder the Buil ding Code of tick. City of Eugene -I IS hereby appai nted and esta- <br />blished as the B -)arii of tipppal - tr. hear all applications for reclassification of a buf r d- <br />ing premises or structure in dn-y Of the classifications hereir, set :gut. A ny erson desir -* , <br />y n <br />a reclassification of any premise -, building or structure shal make wri teen <br />app l a ca t � nr t o <br />the Boa rd of Appeals and the fta r of Appea shall thereupon f i v , a i r;4 an l d :_* -P <br />and Ora <br />hearing of said appl i catioh and post notices thereof upon the bulletin board � �, , � , <br />a t _ 1 t,Y <br />Hall , whi C riot i c(� shat l give the name of the avDl i cant . the des r = i r <br />c 4t oxi o the property <br />sought to be recla3sified dnd the time a.nd' plar.e cif hearin g. and shall direct all person =, <br />des iring to be. he - rid to present thornsel vex at the said hearing: The bt f <br />-i rd o Appea I s <br />