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- ; r '•' { T °=7' - — . -:. ,� 7 r ;1, -st-s -ems mgr -•�e, •• — :_--° • -'?SAE <br />r' <br />SOCIAL, CULTURAL, AND RECREATIONAL CONCERNS - <br />The Wests i de Neighborhood is made u • of a dive •• <br />p popul ation ate on w� th • vary ed • recce -- • <br />ati ona l and soci needs* 'Neighborhood res i dents potentially have eas ^ access <br />• Y. <br />to : an appropriately rich range of recreational and social serv�•ces• _Parks _ser -- <br />vice agencies,, and. other recreational and social f a c i l i t i e s are man •• - -but- too <br />Y� <br />of tern they are ei ther underdevel aped or not ful ly u t i l i z e d . <br />GOAL It is appropriate and desirable to enc in the Wes i s il • � de Neigh_ <br />borhood a feeling of nei ghborhood; 'this can be fostered b rdvi d� n <br />_. p . 4 <br />for varied and accessible recreational and soci al . servi - o 0 'm ties and rotect' � P - <br />ni <br />p rotection of the historic, physical, and cultural charac <br />ter i sti cs of the area. <br />Discussion of the Goal - <br />•Th e Ci ty of Eugene already has adopted of i ci es' wh i ch support thi s- j • "a P pp ol at the <br />city-wide level. The Eugene Community Goals and - Policies document states • that <br />the' city should "emphasize in its planning the interrelatedness' of hous' . �. ng .and <br />such other elements of planning as open space, recreation, 'trans util1 <br />r <br />i ti es , shopp and services facilities" e a 17 It suggests. also• that .the - <br />ci fi recognize the need for community f a c i l i t i e s tparks,, gathering ❑ l aces } . to <br />develop a sense of community (page 17) and make an effort to ve those - <br />remai e buildings, p reser •- <br />i l di ngs, landmarks, sites, and ve getation which are the vi s1 bl e - <br />reminders of our past" (page 20 - ). <br />FINDINGS <br />1 Lincoln Community School is one of the Westside N ei ghborhood s _ • m <br />- <br />most_ �• por- <br />taut i nsti tuts ons, serve ng the educate onal , soci al , recreati onal , a .- vi c <br />needs of the area. The school building needs • rehabilitation so • that. <br />continue to serve both the neighborhood and the c.i ty,. _ Lincoln Community School al. so serves a larg a number � - <br />• 9 of people � n the nil - gh� . <br />borhood as part of Eugene Community ty School program . <br />20 Monroe Park, the Lincoln School rounds and he <br />g t Kaufman Center are the - <br />We stsi de Neighborhood's most important recreational fac i 1 i ti es.. other _ <br />cul. tural and recreational facilities which are located near the nei `hbor- <br />hood . <br />and serve its people are the Washington - Jefferson Pa rk, the La <br />- county ra i rgrounds, WOW Hall , and the Eugene Public Li brat <br />3.. The . Westsi de area, with its large of der homes, residential atmos her. •• • <br />P. .e� <br />and proximity to downtown,, is 'often viewed by group- care organi zati ins <br />and i nsti tutions as a desi rabl a pl ace 4 to l ocate. <br />4.. Results of the 1976 Westsi de Neighborhood Social Need • <br />9 s Assessment Survey <br />r show that the most pressing social needs in the neighborhood are • i n'­ the - <br />areas of health, housing, and employment. <br />5. The 1977 Westsi de Urban Resources Inventor indicates that the We • ' <br />Y s is � de ,. <br />Neighborhood contains many historic, cultural , and physical features <br />which define the special character of the area. <br />_19- <br />