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CC Minutes - 06/27/11 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 06/27/11 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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necessary. Mr. Payne believed that United States cities needed to send a message to the administration <br />that they needed the money being spent on the wars. He did not think the Taliban represented a threat to <br />the United States. - Any money that went to support war in Afghanistan was strengthening a regime with <br />no real interest in democracy and was not assisting Afghanis. <br />David Ivan Piccioni, 658 Van Buren Street, supported the resolution sponsored by Councilor Brown. He <br />noted his general opposition to United States intervention in the affairs of other nations. He called for <br />drug decriminalization to stop wars in Latin America. Mr. Piccioni recommended the money saved by <br />stopping United States involvement in the conflicts of other countries be directed to single -payer <br />insurance, environmental programs, support for organized labor, hemp legalization, to stop actions against <br />environmentalists and animal rights activists, to fully fund public education, and to support a state bank. <br />John Barofsky, 2010 Hubbard Lane, noted that the council would take action on the budget that night <br />and that councilors planned to propose expenditures to be funded by moneys that would otherwise go to <br />marginal beginning working capital. He noted the City's policy governing the use of those funds, which <br />stipulated the first $900,000 was transferred to capital and the remainder to the Reserve for Revenue <br />Shortfall. He acknowledged the City Manager wanted to see the money go to reserves, but the council <br />felt there were greater needs. Mr. Barofsky recalled the motions passed by the Budget Committee that <br />affected marginal beginning working capital. He asked the council to prioritize those expenditures if the <br />amount of marginal beginning working capital was found to be insufficient. <br />William Moskel, 1166 Oak Street, acknowledged Councilor Clark's advocacy for the recital of the <br />Pledge of Allegiance at council meetings. He agreed with Ms. Gladen about the status of affairs at <br />Wayne Morse Plaza and urged the council to use its influence to change the situation. Mr. Moskel <br />believed that war was necessary at times. He suggested that ending the wars would not mean that money <br />came back to Eugene. He suggested that the community had a reputation that drew deadbeats to the <br />community and advocated for people to give to those that were good. <br />Mayor Piercy closed the Public Forum. She thanked those who spoke in regard to the resolution. She <br />thanked councilors Brown and Poling for their work on the resolution. <br />Councilor Ortiz also thanked those who testified. She asked City Manager Jon Ruiz the status of <br />enforcement activities on Wayne Morse Plaza. City Manager Ruiz agreed to provide an update. <br />Mayor Piercy observed that the City had been working to improve conditions at Wayne Morse Free <br />Speech Plaza for some time. <br />3. ACTION: <br />Adoption of Resolution 5040 Expressing the City Council's Desire that Funds to Continue <br />the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars be Directed to Domestic Priorities, Including Pressing <br />Needs in the City of Eugene <br />Councilor Brown, seconded by Councilor Taylor, moved to approve Resolution 5040 <br />expressing the City Council's desire that funds to continue the Iraq and Afghanistan wars <br />be directed to domestic priorities, including the pressing needs in the city of Eugene. <br />Councilor Brown explained that CALC had proposed the resolution and asked him to place it before the <br />council. He reported that Councilor Poling had offered some revisions that he had subsequently accepted <br />after consultation with CALC. He reviewed the accepted revisions offered by Councilor Poling. He said <br />he had declined to accept Councilor Poling's suggested revisions to Section 3 of the resolution, which <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council June 27, 2011 Page 3 <br />Regular Meeting <br />
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