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Ordinance No. 20441
City of Eugene
2009 No. 20426-20449
Ordinance No. 20441
Entry Properties
Last modified
9/16/2011 12:09:02 PM
Creation date
9/16/2011 12:09:00 PM
City Recorder
Kitty Piercy
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• <br /> Goal 6 - Air. Water and Land Resources Ouality: To maintain and improve the quality of the air, <br /> water, and land resources of the state. <br /> Goal 6 addresses waste and process discharges from development, and is aimed at protecting air, <br /> water and land from impacts from those discharges. Nothing in the proposal or the character of the <br /> site or potential uses indicates a future development that would compromise air, water and land <br /> resources. The proposal does not amend the metropolitan area's air, water quality or land resource <br /> policies. Based on allowed low density residential uses, the City can reasonably expect that future <br /> development of the site comply with applicable environmental laws. Therefore, the amendments <br /> are consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 6. <br /> Goal 7 - Areas Subiect to Natural Disasters and Hazards: To protect life and property from natural <br /> disasters and hazards. <br /> Goal 7 requires that local government planning programs include provisions to protect people and <br /> property from natural hazards such as floods, land slides, earthquakes and related hazards, tsunamis <br /> and wildfires. The subject property is not located within known areas of natural disasters or <br /> hazards. The subject property is outside the flood zone and is not subject to hazards normally <br /> associated with steep slopes, wildfires, or tsunamis. Other hazards, such as earthquakes and severe <br /> winter storms can be mitigated at the time of development based on accepted building codes and <br /> building techniques. Therefore, these amendments are consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 7. <br /> Goal 8 - Recreational Needs: To satisfy the recreational needs of the citizens of the state and <br /> visitors and where appropriate, to provide for the siting of necessary recreational facilities <br /> including destination resorts. <br /> • <br /> Goal 8 ensures the provision of recreational facilities to Oregon citizens and is primarily concerned <br /> with the provision of those facilities in non-urban areas of the state. Unlike planning for its <br /> residential, commercial or industrial land needs under Goals 9 and 10, planning for a city's <br /> recreational needs is largely a matter of local choice. The applicable statutes, Statewide Planning <br /> Goals and administrative rules are not prescriptive as to the amount of park land that a city must <br /> have to serve its population. While the City takes into consideration the existence of private <br /> recreation facilities and open space in its parks planning process, because there is no guarantee that <br /> lands owned by private entities will remain in perpetuity as public open space and/or recreation <br /> facilities, the City does not (and is not required to) account for private facilities and open space in <br /> its supply of recreation facilities, parks and open space. The subject property is not included on any <br /> list, inventory or map identifying the City's existing parks and open space supply. As such, <br /> changing the designation of the subject property will have no impact on the City's parks and open <br /> space supply. While the proposed amendments will impact a private recreational facility, the <br /> proposed amendments will not impact the provision of public recreational facilities, nor will they <br /> affect access to existing or future public recreational facilities. Therefore, the amendments am <br /> consistent with Statewide Planning Goal 8. <br /> Goal 9 - Economic Development: To provide adequate opportunities throughout the state for a <br /> variety of economic activities vital to the health, welfare, and prosperity of Oregon's citizens. <br /> Findings of Consistency <br /> Page 3 <br />
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