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0 <br />less . than six -thous an' d (6 square . f ect in area, and : c ompar -- <br />able to a normal city lot . <br />STABLE, PRIVATE An accessory building; in which horses are kept <br />for private use and not for remuneration, hire, or sale <br />STAB LE, , PUBLIC : A building in which ' horse's are kept for remunera --- <br />tion�,' hire, or sale-0 = <br />STORY: That portion of a building included between the upper sur-- <br />face of any floor -and the upper surf ace + of the floor next above, <br />except that the topmost story shall be that portion of a building <br />included between the upper surface of the topmost floor and , tale <br />ceiling above. (See Basement) <br />STREET: A public thoroughfare, avenue, road, highway, boulevard, <br />parkway, way, drive, lane, court, or private easement providing <br />the primary roadway for ingress and egress from the property <br />abutting thereon. <br />STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS:' (See Alter . ) � . <br />SURUCT�M. Anytizing .constructed or erected which requires lo <br />tion on the ground or attachment to something' having a location <br />on the ground. <br />TOURIST COURT. (See Auto Court ) <br />TRAILER CAMPS. (See Automobile Trailer Camps) <br />USE: The purpose f or which land or a building is arranged y designed, <br />or intended, or for which either land or a building is or may be <br />occupied or maintained <br />VISION CLEARANCE ; A triangular area at the street or highway <br />corner of a corner lot, or the alley street intersection of a lot, <br />the . space being defined by a line across the corner the ends of <br />which -are on the street or alley right --of -way lines an equal and <br />specified distance from the corner and containing no planting, <br />walls, structures, or- temporary or permanent obstruction exceed- <br />ing three and one -half ( feet in height above the curb level <br />T r <br />` -YARD: An open space on the same lot with a building unoccupied- <br />and unobstructed from the ground upward, except as otherwise <br />provided herein, <br />YARD, FRONT: A yard between the front line of the building (ex-M-0 <br />cl us ive of steps) and the front property line. <br />YARD REAR= An open unoccupied space on the same lot with a build- <br />ing, between the rear line of the building (exclusive of steps, <br />.Porches, and accessory buildings) and the rear line the lot <br />s*_ <br />lot. <br />