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A . USE .. . <br />No building, structure, or land shall be used, and no building or <br />structure shall be hereafter erected, structurally altered, enlarged or <br />maintained except for the following uses <br />1. A'dwelling intended.-and designated exclusively for one <br />(1), _ <br />7 <br />f <br />2. Dvvellings for two (2) families (duplex) on .corner lots provided <br />.that the minimum lot area per family unit shall be twenty -five hundred <br />_, (2500) square feet and' the maximum lot coverage shall not exceed forty (} . <br /> rc ent o <br />. 3 . • Accessory buildings` on the rear half of the building site used <br />• as garage, store . rooms, wood sheds, work -shops , laundries, playhouses, <br />greenhouses; poultry animal shelters, or similar and related ac- <br />cessory •uses for which a special permit has been issued; provided, however, <br />that there shall be not more than four ( buildings allowed as accessory <br />to any single -- family dwelling, <br />4. Parks playgrounds, golf courses, or community centers. • <br />5. Hospitals; provided that any buildings used for hospital purposes <br />shall provide and maintain setbacks from side and rear property lines <br />(except on the street side of corner • lots) of at least fifty (50 feet <br />Alleys contiguous to or within the property being used for hospital pur- <br />poses may re included in the required setback. <br />6 . Schools,_ ( elementary, junior high, • and high } o providing setbacks <br />are established as given in A--5 above. <br />•7. - Privately operated kindergartens or day nurseries; provided the <br />residential character of the building is maintained o <br />8 . Churches with yards as established under ' A -5 above; provided, <br />however, in establishing building setback lines, a parsonage (free-stand ing <br />or attached to a church . by a vestibule) shall be considered as a- re s iden- <br />t i al structure <br />9. Public buildings such as fire stations, libraries, sub -- stations, <br />purip stations, and community buildings; provided that side and rear yards <br />shall be twenty (20 percent of the property width, but not less than ten <br />( feet nor necessarily more than thirty (30 feet <br />10 - Crop cultivation or farm and truck gardens, including plant <br />nurseries. . <br />11. The hatching a� d raising of poultry and fowl, the raising of <br />rabbits, bees, and the like, and the keeping of domestic except <br />pigs, as an incidental use, provided that: <br />a. Cows, horses, sheep, or goats cannot be kept on lots <br />having an area of less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet,' <br />and under no circumstances shall they be kept for commercial <br />purposes. The total number of -all such animals (other than their <br />z � <br />r <br />r <br />I (D <br />