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<br />For these reasons, the developer of The Paradigm on Pearl requests an extension until April 30, 2012, to <br />complete the project, which will allow construction to proceed under normal, reasonable, and safe <br />working conditions. Council action on this request on October 24 will help determine the next steps for <br />this project. <br /> <br />The developer has expressed an intention to invest the cost savings afforded by this extension in <br />upgrading the project’s environmental certification from LEED-Silver to LEED-Gold. They also intend <br />to make other improvements to the building, including: <br /> <br />1.Replace wood finished wainscoting on the first-floor façade on Pearl Street with stone masonry. <br />th <br /> <br />2.Replace the wooden power pole and streetlight on 17 and Pearl with a new, architecturally <br />appealing streetlight. <br />th <br /> <br />3.Include additional public seating on 17 Avenue adjacent to the courtyard entrance. <br />th <br /> <br />4.Improve the grand entrance to the building on the corner of Pearl and 17 with a more elaborate <br />design than currently planned, in fabricated steel and other upgraded materials. <br /> <br />These project improvements have been added as requirements to the resolution extending the project <br />completion date. <br /> <br />Financial and/or Resource Considerations <br />The MUPTE program provides tax exemptions for a limited time to encourage new, higher density <br />housing in targeted areas. The City and other local taxing districts forgo revenue for 10 years when a <br />property is approved for the exemption. The land, however, continues to be taxed during the exemption <br />period. Once the tax exemption expires, taxes on the entire improved property result in substantially <br />greater revenue for the taxing districts. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />MUPTE is enabled by state statute. The City of Eugene has participated in the MUPTE program since <br />1978. Encouraging housing in the core area is consistent with numerous adopted planning and policy <br />documents. Examples include: <br /> <br />Growth Management Policies <br />Policy 1 Support the existing Eugene Urban Growth Boundary by taking actions to increase <br />density and use on existing vacant land and under-used land within the boundary <br />more efficiently. <br />Policy 2 Encourage in-fill, mixed-use, redevelopment, and higher density development. <br />Policy 3 Encourage a mix of business and residential uses downtown using incentives and <br />zoning. <br /> <br />Refinement Plans <br />The Downtown Plan and relevant neighborhood refinement plans include policies encouraging <br />residential development at higher density as well as a variety or mix of structure types providing a range <br />of housing opportunities. <br /> <br /> S:\CMO\2011 Council Agendas\M111024\S1110244 -and att A.doc <br /> <br />