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Implementation Plan <br />Overall Accountability for Work Plan <br />²+5&ZRXOGKDQGOHWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLon of this goal as a large group <br />For Goal 1 <br />during their business meetings. <br />²&KDLUVWUDFNWKHRYHUDOOJRDODUHD and 2 (one primary and one back up) <br />For Goal 2 <br />commissioners sign up for each assignment and check in on these assignments on an <br />annual basis. <br />²2EMHFWLYHVEHFRPHVPDOOZRUNJURXSV. These work groups would consist of <br />For Goal 3 <br />at least two HRC members and they would recruit community members or <br />organizations or city staff to help achieve the work. We suggest the following groups: <br />Work Group on Youth <br />Work Group on Homelessness <br />Work Group on Integrating Immigrants <br />Work Group on Hate/Bias/Individual and Systemic Racism <br />As outlined above, the tasks proposed for thLV\HDU·VZRUNSODQDUHFOHDUO\DOLJQHGZLWK <br />WKHFRPPLVVLRQ·VUROHDQGREMHFWLYHVDVGHVFribed in its charter. The group continues to <br />be forward thinking in its work strategies and responsive to issues facing our <br />community. The projects detailed in this work plan are designed to ensure a thorough, <br />deliberative review of important issues in our community that require the attention of <br />the Human Rights Commission and organization. These new and ongoing projects <br />make for a full and ambitious work plan. However, the commission will accommodate <br />work plan changes as directed by the City Council or as necessary to respond to <br />emerging community concerns. <br />