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(18 west, 12 east) and in the PM peak period there would be 20 (8 west, 2 east) to and from Drake’s <br />Crossing. On Parkview, Bascom Village would display a similar pattern with 9 AM and 6 PM trips to <br />and from the west, about 97 daily at full build-out of both projects. School traffic typically coincides <br />closely with the AM peak commuting period, but afternoon school travel is outside normal evening <br />commute times. <br /> <br />Gary McNeel, Sr. Transportation Analyst offers the following information: If Bascom Village were <br />developed as a traditional apartment complex (versus an affordable housing project) we would expect the <br />site to generate approximately 603 daily auto trips; however, lower income residents own fewer cars and <br />drive less than average apartment dwellers and we anticipate this project to generate about 488 daily trips. <br />National studies, confirmed by our own observations, show that higher income single family <br />neighborhoods have an average of 2.53 cars per household, while medium income single and multi-family <br />developments own an average of 2.13 cars per household, yet affordable housing developments average <br />1.24 cars per household. <br /> <br />Planned Street Enhancements - There are multiple enhancements that will be made to local streets as a <br />part of the project. The City will complete Park View Drive before the construction of any homes. The <br />addition of eight feet of paving and sidewalks on the south side of the street will add on-street parking to <br />the area and facilitate pedestrian safety. Traffic calming options are being investigated for the area. In <br />addition to completing Park View Drive, Matt Drive will be extended south through the landbank site to <br />improve traffic flow and create additional on-street parking for the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Public Transportation - Stops for LTD routes 66 and 67 are located within a ¼ mile of the development <br />site (convenient for pedestrians is defined in Eugene Code as within ¼ mile and is ½ mile for bicyclists). <br />These routes provide 30 minute service between 7 AM and 11 PM (67 buses per day). All LTD buses <br />have bike racks on the front. The city is developing a plan to fill the 300’ gap in sidewalk along the west <br />side of Coburg/County Farm Road. <br /> <br />CONCERN: <br /> Bascom Village will result in an overcrowding of area schools. <br />REPLY:ALL <br /> 4J School District representatives confirmed 4J schools can accommodate an increase in <br />enrollment. In fact, increased enrollment directly results in additional funds for each student from the <br />State. When additional students enroll in a school, 4J assigns additional teachers to that school to <br />maintain the current student-teacher ratio. (See Exhibit A) <br /> <br />CONCERN: <br /> Bascom Village will decrease area property values. <br />REPLY: <br /> Many studies are available regarding the affect(s) affordable housing has on property values. <br />Many factors play into the value of a home. In reviewing multiple studies released by entities such as: <br />The Center for Housing Policy; Arizona State University’s Stardust Center; Habitat for Humanity; New <br />York University; and the National Association of Realtors, the results indicate that effects range from no <br />impact on property values to a positive impact on property values. In fact, according to a 2008 research <br />brief published by ASU’s Stardust Center, “Affordable housing seems least likely to generate negative <br />property value impacts when it is embedded within higher-value, low-poverty, stable neighborhoods and <br />1 <br />when the affordable housing development is well managed.” <br /> <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />