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CC Minutes - 11/14/11 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 11/14/11 Work Session
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City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Farr asked what it meant for a street to be transportation- constrained. Ms. Hansen said that referred <br />to already congested areas where congestion would be worsened past acceptable levels by the addition of <br />more residential development. It was possible the City could choose to accept a higher level of <br />congestion. Mr. Farr was concerned that developable land would be left undeveloped because the City <br />lacked the appropriate transportation infrastructure. He asked why the State mandated an examination of <br />non - contiguous lands. Ms. Hansen said the State mandated that the City examine already developed <br />nearby non - resource lands with the intent to preserve farm and forest lands. Staff had chosen the areas to <br />be examined. City Attorney Emily Jerome clarified that staff had identified areas already acknowledged <br />as developed and committed land by Lane County. There was little "wiggle room" in the State criteria <br />governing what lands the City could look to because the examination was based on existing County <br />zoning. <br />Mayor Piercy suggested that the Oregon Department of Transportation's revision of its highway mobility <br />standards would give the community more flexibility in regard to acceptable levels of congestion so the <br />community could achieve the residential density the council wanted it to have. <br />Mr. Brown said the Dillard area did not appear to be constrained by farmland or wetlands; it appeared the <br />main constraint was the limitations of Dillard Road. Ms. Hansen said that was one constraint. Two other <br />constraints regarded the provision of wastewater and stormwater service, which were problematic. Mr. <br />Brown observed that most of the areas under consideration had traffic constraints and he believed the City <br />would have to expand capacity in those areas. <br />Mr. Brown asked staff to discuss Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) service issues. Ms. Hansen <br />said EWEB staff was asked to review each area and determine if service could be provided. A number of <br />factors went into that analysis, which was very preliminary at this time. Mr. Brown determined from Ms. <br />Hansen that the some of the areas in question had service from EWEB or a water district but many of the <br />developed lots had wells. <br />Ms. Ortiz suggested it was possible to serve any area with enough money but she thought it was important <br />to consider the impact of that on housing affordability. She appreciated the cautions staff offered about <br />the Dillard area. She asked Ms. Hansen if staff had identified lands currently zoned for industrial <br />purposes that could be used for other purposes. Ms. Hansen suggested the potential that industrially <br />zoned land in the Awbrey Lane area and the area north of Lane Community College along Interstate 5 <br />could be converted to other uses. <br />Responding to a question from Mr. Clark, Ms. Hansen said the Envision Eugene process was occurring in <br />coordination with the Transportation System Plan update and staff hoped that the council would adopt <br />them at about the same time. If that could not happen, staff would recommend the council make <br />amendments to TransPlan to reflect new projects and service levels in the interim. <br />Mr. Clark asked if the City was legally required to have a transportation plan that could be funded within <br />the 20 -year planning horizon to service the new areas brought inside the UGB. City Attorney Jerome said <br />the City must demonstrate to the State that it could feasibly expect those lands to develop within the next <br />20 years. That evidence did not have to rise to the level of a project in the Capital Improvement <br />Program. She indicated she would provide more specific information about the legal requirements related <br />to transportation planning. <br />Mr. Clark reiterated his desire that the lands identified for expansion could actually be developed. City <br />Manager Ruiz emphasized his intent was to present the council with a realistic and achievable plan. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council November 14, 2011 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />
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