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CC Minutes - 11/16/11 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 11/16/11 Work Session
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3/23/2012 11:43:51 AM
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1/25/2012 3:33:36 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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said that St. Vincent de Paul's projects were well - constructed, attractive, and occupied by residents who <br />were employed but rent - burdened. He was sympathetic to the neighbors' concerns but believed they had <br />been addressed. Mr. Brown was enthusiastic about and supportive of the project. <br />Mr. Clark agreed with Mr. Pryor that the issue concerned a clash of values. He supported the Housing <br />Dispersal Policy but did not think the City was following it. He suggested Policy 2 was contrary to the <br />goals of Envision Eugene in that it created higher densities at the periphery. He continued to be <br />concerned about the development's impact on area schools and questioned the numbers provided by the <br />school district. He called for additional public input before the council made a decision. <br />Mr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Farr, moved to postpone the decision scheduled for <br />November 28 until the council has a public hearing in order to accommodate people <br />being heard on the matter at the council level, where the decision is to be made, and for <br />the council to have a good informed decision. <br />Mr. Pryor, seconded by Mr. Zelenka, moved to extend the meeting for ten minutes. The <br />motion passed, 6:1; Ms. Taylor voting no. <br />Ms. Ortiz regretted that the City lacked a map similar to the map showing the dispersal of low- income <br />housing that could illustrate the relative concentration of social service providers along Highway 99, <br />which created a challenge for the neighborhood. <br />Councilors briefly discussed the timing of a public hearing in relationship to the scheduled decision date <br />and the State of Oregon's funding cycle for such projects. City Manager Jon Ruiz indicated a public <br />hearing on the Bascom Village proposal could be scheduled for November 21. <br />Mayor Piercy determined from City Attorney Glenn Klein that the proposed public hearing would not be <br />considered a land use hearing. <br />Councilors were generally supportive of holding a public hearing. <br />The motion passed unanimously, 7:0. <br />Mayor Piercy adjourned the work session at 1:40 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />,6lt� _ Llli <br />Beth Forrest <br />City Recorder <br />(Recorded by Kimberly Young) <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council November 16, 2011 Page 5 <br />Work Session <br />
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