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UUrban Reenewal Aggency <br />Ovverview <br />RRiverfrontUrban Rennewal Distrrict <br /> <br /> <br />TThe Riverfroont District wwas created iin 1985 to asssist in finanncing public infrastructurre. The origginal <br />ddistrict encommpassed neaarly 148 acrees adjacent too and includding the Univversity of OrrHJRQ¶V5LYeerfront <br />RResearch Parrk site. In FYY04, the Citty Council ammended the boundaries of the districct to add anoother 30 <br />aacres, bringinng the total aarea to approoximately 1778 acres. Thhe current booundaries offthe district are <br />sshown in thee map. <br /> <br />TThe district pplan was revviewed and aamended by tthe City Couuncil in Marrch 2004. MMajor changes in the <br />aamendment iincluded chaanging the naame of the ddistrict from WKH³5LYHUIrront Researcch Park Urbaan <br />RRenewal AreeD´WRWKH <br />³³Riverfront UUrban Renewwal <br />AAUHD´H[WHnnding the <br />ttermination ddate to 2024, <br />eexpanding annd revising tthe <br />llist of project activities, <br />pproviding neew cost <br />eestimates of the projects to <br />bbe undertakeen, establishiing a <br />mmaximum inndebtedness oof <br />$$34.8 millionn, and providding <br />oother information about tthe <br />impact of thee amendmennts. <br />MMajor goals in the <br />RRiverfront DDistrict for FYY12 <br />aare: <br />Collaborate with EWWEB <br />to revieww the master plan <br />for the doowntown <br />riverfronnt area. <br /> <br />Promote redevelopmment of publicc and privatee properties in the area aaround the WWayne Morsee Federal <br />Courthouuse. <br /> <br />Improve connectionss between thee core of dowwntown, thee riverfront aarea and the University oof <br />Oregon. <br /> <br /> <br />Page 45 <br />