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CC Minutes - 11/28/11 Work Session
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 11/28/11 Work Session
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2/28/2012 12:27:31 PM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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At the request of Mr. Zelenka, Mr. Hostick explained the methodology used by staff to create the baseline <br />for redevelopment for commercial redevelopment and multi - family development. City Manager Ruiz <br />emphasized the relationship of the Seven Pillars to the methodology and said he encouraged staff to be <br />aggressive but reasonable. Mr. Zelenka endorsed the standard of "aggressive but reasonable." Ms. Weiss <br />said the City could employ the State "safe harbor" projection mentioned by W. Clark or it could develop <br />its own growth forecast based on local conditions; that would not be a safe harbor. Another State <br />projection was expected in January 2012. The council would ultimately decide what projection to use. <br />Mayor Piercy suggested the council needed to consider both the Seven Pillars and its own council policies <br />as it moved forward. She questioned the use of past trends in light of what she believed was a national <br />trend toward more multi -unit dwellings. She asked how the council could reframe the issue of multi- <br />family dwellings for Eugene to get greater community acceptance. The City was experiencing multi - <br />family development people did not like in many areas and she suggested the council frame what a good <br />multi- family dwelling was, how it would work in Eugene, where such development had been successful, <br />and why. She agreed that the financial incentives could be controversial and emphasized the need to tie <br />the incentives to the council's goals. She liked the idea of having more incentives. <br />Mr. Clark asked about the likelihood of a legal challenge if the City decided to adopt a higher job growth <br />percentage. Ms. Weiss said the City had to have a basis for its projection and could not merely be <br />aspirational. The City must be specific about what it would do to create those jobs and able to justify its <br />projections. Mr. Clark asked if the City could use the Joint Elected Officials Regional Prosperity Plan for <br />that purpose. Ms. Weiss said the Technical Resource Group believed the City needed to develop an <br />implementation plan for the Regional Prosperity Plan. Mr. Clark suggested a work session be held on the <br />topic. <br />Mr. Brown wanted the council to give the current list of incentives more scrutiny and recommended that <br />staff look into the more modest development incentives offered by Boulder, Colorado. He said that <br />Boulder required companies to remain in the community for a mutually agreed number of years before <br />they received tax rebates. He also wanted the council to look into the Arizona law that severely limited <br />the development incentives that cities could provide. <br />B. WORK SESSION: <br />Tri- Annual Report to City Council from Police Auditor <br />The council was joined by Police Auditor Mark Gissiner. Mr. Gissiner reviewed highlights of his tri- <br />annual report, copies of which were provided to the council. Councilors asked questions clarifying the <br />details of the report. <br />Mayor Piercy thanked Mr. Gissiner for the Police Auditor's newsletter, which she frequently shared with <br />others. She continued to be concerned about the nature of the oversight system for the University of <br />Oregon's Department of Public Safety (DPS), the relationship between the DPS and EPD, and the <br />importance of ensuring people's rights were preserved. <br />Ms. Ortiz and Mr. Brown concurred as to the value of the newsletter. Ms. Ortiz shared Mayor Piercy's <br />concern about the lack of civilian oversight for the DPS. Responding to a question from Ms. Ortiz about <br />the potential involvement of the Civilian Review Board (CRB) and Police Auditor in the proposed Hate <br />Crimes Conference, Mr. Gissiner anticipated that some CRB would be interested in participating. Ms. <br />Ortiz encouraged that participation. <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council November 28, 2011 Page 2 <br />Work Session <br />
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