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CCMinutes - 05/26/04 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CCMinutes - 05/26/04 WS
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8/10/2004 10:14:37 AM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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felt she needed to be kept in the loop in order to be responsive to her constituents. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly noted that his written comments provided more detailed feedback. He called the City Manager a <br />;;quick study" and expressed appreciation for his enthusiasm. He thought Mr. Taylor's community and <br />citizen relationships were outstanding and that he had done a fine job of reaching out. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly opined the City Manager had been part of a shift toward more positive fiscal management. He <br />hoped Mr. Taylor could help the council and community to engage in efforts to become more financially <br />sustainable. <br /> <br />Regarding Mayor and council support, Mr. Kelly thought there had been too many surprises and a lack of <br />timely information. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson commended Mr. Taylor for his ability to keep the organization moving ahead and working <br />hard in a positive manner. She applauded him for this. She acknowledged the council, community, and <br />organization asked much of him and he had risen to the challenge in a remarkable manner. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson remarked that the City continued to show signs it was experiencing growing pains and that <br />the feeling that there was a lack of access to information grew from this. She attributed this to the City <br />Manager/Council structure of government, in that the councilors were part-time and not always present to be <br />more aware of issues as they arose. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson said Mr. Taylor projected enthusiasm, sincerity, and competence. She commented that he <br />was smart and very capable of doing the job for which he was hired. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap6 wished to emphasize the comment Mr. Kelly had made in which he called Mr. Taylor a ;;quick <br />study." He commended the City Manager's energy in reaching out to both the community and the City <br />organization. He noted there were almost no negative comments in the reviews submitted by employees. He <br />related that the City of Billings, Montana had ;;raved" about Mr. Taylor. He believed that Mr. Taylor <br />would improve in any areas in which it was suggested some improvement was needed. <br /> <br />Ms. Solomon left the meeting at 1 p.m. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap~ applauded the work the City Manager had done to help the council function more fluidly. He said <br />the process sessions and consultant work had made the council a better body. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner stated that the City Manager had been exactly what he had expected from his conversations <br />with residents of Billings. He said Mr. Taylor had the talent, the skills, the professionalism, and the ethics <br />that had been sought in the city manager position. He commented that any qualms he had expressed in his <br />individual evaluation were not about Mr. Taylor per se, but were about pieces of the organization. He <br />hoped that Mr. Taylor's leadership skills would trickle down into the organization. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner commended the City Manager for his ability to say that things could be done or could be done <br />differently, while the organization was not as open to movement. He underscored the importance of meeting <br />the expectations of the public and not lowering those expectations. <br /> <br />In closing, Mr. Meisner thanked Mr. Taylor for coming to Eugene and suggested he should stay ~a long <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council May 26, 2004 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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