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CCMinutes - 04/07/04 Process
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CCMinutes - 04/07/04 Process
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8/10/2004 10:16:57 AM
City Council Minutes
Process Session
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decisions. <br /> <br />Mr. Taylor asked if what was desired was a discussion of the range of options or just an articulation of <br />options. <br /> <br />Mr. Poling responded that the councilors wished for presentation of the options accompanied by points of <br />view, but not the underpinnings. He commented that what was often heard was staff's opinion on an issue <br />and the council wished to hear arguments against staff opinion as well. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman remarked that a range of options meant everything from a decision to do nothing to doing <br />;;everything." <br /> <br />The first staff group consisted of Mr. Chouinard and Mr. Carlson. Mr. Carlson commented that staff had a <br />shorter list from which to choose. <br /> <br />Mr. Carlson explained that the expectation that the council should act as a body was the top priority. He <br />stated that staff implements all council decisions with equal verve, whether the vote was unanimous or split. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly asserted that the council did act as a body. He asked what Mr. Carlson meant by acting as a <br />body. Mr. Carlson replied that sometimes councilors who are not on the prevailing side continue to ask for <br />help in overturning a decision or delaying its implementation. Mr. Kelly opined that it would be a <br />;;nightmare" if it became a constant that once things were settled, they were never revisited. He wondered if <br />people were discovering new information and were trying to gain traction with their colleagues. He felt the <br />problem was overstated. He added that he had heard from constituents regarding the urban renewal district <br />issues and averred it was equally valid to represent the continuing angst over such an item. <br /> <br />Mr. Chouinard cited, as an example, a hypothetical situation in which the executive manager makes a <br />decision for the staff team and the manager on the staff team gives a different direction to those who work <br />under his or her supervision. He underscored the importance of maintaining the good of the whole. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman commented that the example Mr. Kelly brought up pointed to the other decisions that get made <br />as a result of the first decision, such as funding, etc. She felt that issues are not just settled and done at any <br />given point; that is not the way politics works. <br /> <br />Ms. Hays surmised that the priority had arisen because of the feeling that the continuation of decisions <br />slowed the City's process down. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor represented the second group, which included Ms. Nathanson and Mr. Pap6. She recognized the <br />instructions were to cite a new priority from the list but wished to note that the top priority for the group had <br />been identical to the first group's top priority. In lieu of that, she shared the group's second priority which <br />was that staff should follow City Council policy and not try to influence it. <br /> <br />Mr. Carlson said typically the Agenda Item Summary included staff recommendations. He asked if it was <br />the council's wish that such recommendations not be included. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor suggested that staff not make strong recommendations but, rather, provide options only. <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council April 7, 2004 Page 2 <br /> Process Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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