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CCMinutes - 03/31/04 Hearing
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CCMinutes - 03/31/04 Hearing
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8/10/2004 10:17:04 AM
City Council Minutes
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Councilor Meisner said he was also not enthusiastic for using either "subsidize" or "stimulate" in the <br />statement. He noted he would be interested in amending the statement to strike the word "diverted" in the <br />last line. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman agreed the word "diverted" should be changed to conform to the question. She reiterated <br />that the word "subsidize" in lieu of the word "stimulate" was most appropriate. She asserted that Mr. <br />Nicholson had left intact most of the text provided by legal staff. <br /> <br />Councilor Taylor commented that the City subsidized things "all the time" and citizens knew it. She agreed <br />with Councilor Bettman, that the statement as submitted by legal counsel was biased. <br /> <br />Councilor Meisner said he would not support the amendment as it read. He suggested striking the word <br />"stimulating" altogether and not editorializing on which word to use. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey called for a vote on Councilor Bettman's motion to substitute the word "subsidizing" for the <br />word "stimulating." <br /> <br /> The vote on the motion was 3:3 tie; councilors Bettman, Taylor, and Kelly voting in favor <br /> and councilors Poling, Pap~, and Meisner voting in opposition. Mayor Torrey voted <br /> against the motion and the motion failed on a final vote of 4:3. <br /> <br /> Councilor Meisner, seconded by Councilor Poling, moved to amend the statement in version <br /> 2, as submitted by Mr. Nicholson, by striking the word "stimulating" in line 4, adding the <br /> word "incremental" between the words "that" and "property" in the next to the last line, <br /> changing the word "diverted" to "used" in the same line, and correcting the spelling of ordi- <br /> nance in the last line. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman did not think the word "incremental" was necessary as the wording did not quantify <br />anything else in the text. <br /> <br />Councilor Bettman asked what the true number for maximum indebtedness would be. Mr. Taylor responded <br />that he did not have the answer before him. Councilor Bettman asked him to call City staff Sue Cutsogeorge <br />or Mike Sullivan and ask about this. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey asked the council if it wished to adjourn until this number could be determined. He noted that <br />this was not the issue that had been appealed by Mr. Nicholson and the inclusion of the amount had not been <br />recommended by legal counsel. <br /> <br /> Councilor Taylor, seconded by Councilor Bettman, moved to consider the addition of the <br /> word "incremental" separately from the rest of the body of Councilor Meisner's motion. <br /> The motion failed, 4:2; Councilors Taylor and Bettman voting in favor. <br /> <br />Mr. Nicholson requested, once again, to address the council. Mayor Torrey granted the request. <br /> <br />Mr. Nicholson asserted that the amended text, as offered in Councilor Meisner's motion, was not true. He <br />alleged there were no incremental taxes as there was only incremental value and also the establishment of the <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council March 31, 2004 Page 5 <br /> Special Meeting <br /> <br /> <br />
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