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CCMinutes - 03/10/04 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CCMinutes - 03/10/04 WS
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8/10/2004 10:17:15 AM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Speaking to Ms. Bettman's remarks about the intent of the motion, Mr. Meisner said he helped Mr. Poling <br />to craft the motion. It was his intent that the board would take a broad look at the program, and if the board <br />suggested a charter amendment, the voters had the choice to amend the charter or leave the charter <br />amendment in place. There would be no advisory ballot question suggesting ~repeal, amend, or preserve." <br />He wanted the charter amendment to work and it clearly did not. Mr. Meisner said annually the council <br />heard from upset citizens who fear the council would exceed or violate the intent of the charter amendment. <br />He wanted the intent of the amendment carried out. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly thought the intent of the motion could be carried out without the need to modify the charter <br />amendment. He did not want to open up the issue further than necessary. Mr. Kelly said he felt as though <br />the council was being played as puppets. He found it ironic that the businesses objecting to the fee schedule <br />lobbied the legislature to institute a fee cap. Mr. Kelly pointed out that the revised fee schedule meant a 50- <br />employee company would pay $1,500 annually. He said that was ;real money' but not in itself a real <br />burden. He said the board should do something about the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes and <br />the State legislature should repeal the fee caps. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap6 left the meeting at 1:22 p.m. <br /> <br />Mr. Poling pointed out the motion referred the issue to the board and did not refer the charter amendment to <br />the voters. The motion did not reflect any opposition to the program. He said that unless Ms. Bettman ~was <br />in my head knowing how I'm thinking," she could not know his intent. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson agreed with Mr. Poling's summary of the motion. She did not want to preclude the Toxics <br />Board from any action it thought needed. She pointed out the Toxics Board was well-balanced and she <br />thought it appropriate to let it discuss issues such as the SIC codes. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman agreed the motion did not explicitly call for referring the amendment to the voters, but in his e- <br />mail communication regarding his intent to offer the motion Mr. Poling had mentioned his interest in <br />%leaning the current charter amendment up a little bit," which meant taking it back to the ballot. Her <br />motion merely precluded that. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson determined from Mr. Poling that among the items he envisioned the board discussing were <br />broadening the range of business types, reducing the employee threshold, and reducing the quantity <br />threshold. <br /> <br /> The amendment to the motion failed, 4:3; Ms. Taylor, Mr. Kelly, and Ms. <br /> Bettman voting yes. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor was astounded that any councilors would oppose Ms. Bettman's amendment unless they wanted <br />to put the charter amendment on the ballot. <br /> <br />In response, Mr. Meisner said he did not want to tie the hands of the Toxics Board by limiting its scope of <br />examination. <br /> <br /> The main motion passed, 4:3; Ms. Taylor, Mr. Kelly, and Ms. Bettman <br /> voting no. <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council March 10, 2004 Page 8 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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