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CC Minutes - 03/12/12 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 03/12/12 Meeting
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City Council Minutes
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MINUTES <br />Eugene City Council <br />Council Chamber —City Hall <br />777 Pearl Street—Eugene, Oregon <br />March 12, 2012 <br />7:30 p.m. <br />COUNCILORS PRESENT: George Brown, Pat Farr, Andrea Ortiz, George Poling, Chris Pryor, Alan <br />Zelenka. <br />COUNCILORS ABSENT: Mike Clark, Betty Taylor. <br />Her Honor Mayor Kitty Piercy called the March 12, 2012, regular meeting of the Eugene City Council to <br />order. <br />1. PUBLIC FORUM <br />Mayor Piercy reviewed the rules of the Public Forum. <br />Lars Henke, Ward 1, advocated for improved skateboard facilities in Eugene, particularly around the <br />University of Oregon campus, and changes to the City Code that classified skateboarders as cyclists rather <br />than pedestrians to allow them to use bicycle lanes. He reported on student surveys that indicated support <br />for his recommendations. <br />Kortney Jolley, Ward 1, agreed with the remarks of Mr. Henke. She proposed that Eugene pass <br />legislation modeled after Title 16 in the City of Portland's code, which reclassified skateboarders as <br />cyclists. She anticipated that such an action would result in more places for skateboarders to ride lawfully <br />and increased pedestrian safety. The revised regulations would be more enforceable. She hoped to see <br />the changes create a more comfortable commuting environment for those who used skateboards. <br />Judi Horstmann, Ward 3, urged the council to accept the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan (BPMP) and <br />direct the City Manager to incorporate it into the Transportation System Plan update. She urged that the <br />BPMP be funded and recommended that the City reinstate the Sidewalk Infill Program. She also urged <br />council support for a new street repair measure that supported active transportation and encouraged the <br />council and staff to rethink the City's definition of collectors and arterials to include streets with high <br />volumes of bicycle use. <br />Irene Cardenas, Ward 1, advocated for a homeless camp so the homeless could be integrated into the <br />socio- economic structure. She said there were successful examples of such camps in other communities. <br />Joe Tyndall, Ward 1, discussed a recent incident involving a member of Occupy Eugene and an officer <br />of the Eugene Police Department (EPD). He maintained the involved officer had perjured himself and <br />asked what the City was going to do about it. Mr. Tyndall opposed other contemplated regulations that <br />he believed were aimed against the homeless in downtown, such as a ban on dogs. He was opposed to tax <br />breaks for the proposed Capstone development. Mr. Tyndall concluded by asserting that the downtown <br />MINUTES— Eugene City Council March 12, 2012 Page 1 <br />Regular Meeting <br />
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