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CCMinutes - 02/25/04 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CCMinutes - 02/25/04 WS
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8/10/2004 10:17:57 AM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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Mr. Svendsen reported on the first ad hoc committee meeting. He provided copies of the work program for <br />the committee. He noted the timeline was tight, as the committee was to present its work to the council by <br />the first of June and that the work was to represent an integrated approach among the agencies to future <br />Civic Center development downtown. He stated that staff would come before the council in late April with <br />recommendations for initial financing options for the facilities. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey thanked Mr. Gunderson and staff members for their efforts. He related that he attended the <br />charette and there had been %xcitement and enthusiasm in the room." <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly commented that he was impressed with the number of ideas that were presented at the charette <br />and the work that had been done. He opined that the key element missing from the bulleted list in the <br />Agenda Item Summary (ALS) was meeting rooms for both the staff and public. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Mr. Kelly, Mr. Svendsen said the Civic Center, as envisioned, would <br />consolidate City services to the greatest extent possible. He specifically noted that the Planning and <br />Development Department (PDD) was planned to be moved out of the Atrium Building and into such a <br />center. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly felt the block bordered by 8th Avenue, Broadway Street, and High Street (the ~IHOP block") had <br />potential. He liked both the suggestions that another City building be built across 8th Avenue from the <br />current City Hall or that it be placed on the %utterfly" lot site, located on the northwest comer of 8th <br />Avenue and Oak Street. Mr. Kelly expressed disappointment that the idea of combining the Police <br />Department structure and the City Hall structure had been ~dismissed" by the design charette. <br /> <br />In response to a question from Mr. Kelly, Mr. Svendsen said the key reason such a combination had not <br />been considered was the changes in seismic codes. He stated that the Police Department had different <br />seismic code requirements from other structures. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson thought it out of order to consider financing options prior to receiving final recommendations <br />on the Civic Center. Mr. Svendsen responded that the initial motivation for doing so was to attain a level of <br />understanding of the potential financing prior to undertaking the project. Ms. Nathanson advocated for <br />keeping the discussion of financing to a general level. She reiterated that specific and detailed financing <br />would be premature at that point. <br /> <br />Mr. Taylor stated that the next meeting of the committee would focus specifically on opportunities for <br />cooperation with the State, the school districts, and County, federal, and City governments. He related that <br />the committee had been asked to talk about the range of financial options or tools that were available in the <br />hope that there would be a convergence between what is possible and different ways the tools would be used <br />in different scenarios. He said it was hoped that the committee would be able to come back with more <br />refined information. <br /> <br />Ms. Solomon asked what the Government Service Administration was going to do with the old courthouse. <br />Mayor Torrey related that the government had said it would continue to use the entire building with the <br />possible exception of some of the courtrooms. <br /> <br />Mr. Poling said he was impressed with the horseshoe design and that the Great Streets idea looked good to <br />him. He supported combining City functions in the Civic Center. He felt having one central area would <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council February 25, 2004 Page 2 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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