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06/14/12 - City Council Newsletter
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06/14/12 - City Council Newsletter
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6/14/2012 1:12:20 PM
City Council
Council Newsletter
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This year’s Summer Reading theme is “Dream Big!,” featuring free events for all ages including hands-on arts and <br />writing workshops, live music, author talks, storytelling, comedy, and the annual Teddy Bear Picnic. <br /> <br />For more information, visit or call the Eugene Public Library at 541-682-5450. <br /> <br />Public Works APWA Reaccreditation Includes 10 Model Practices <br />Following an in-depth review by a team of auditors from the American Public Works Association (APWA), the Eugene <br />Public Works Department has been reaccredited by APWA. The review found that the department’s operations and <br />practices comply with – and in some cases go beyond – national standards set by APWA. In <br />2004, Eugene Public Works was the first agency in Oregon to be accredited by APWA and, <br />following two reaccreditation cycles, remains one of only about 80 agencies in the United States <br />to have achieved this status. <br /> <br />Ten of the department’s practices were specifically cited as being exemplary and will be <br />submitted as model practices. It is unusual for an evaluation team to name that many superior <br />practices and speaks strongly to the exceptional service delivery and professionalism in the <br />department. The model practices include: comprehensive organizational charts; a departmental <br />strategic plan that is well-defined and that includes performance measures and levels of service; the question-and- <br />answer features on the new web site, which was considered outstanding for public users; an all-inclusive <br />environmental self-assessment of programs and facilities; a well-established system for service requests and web- <br />based service request forms; an online process to plan for future vehicle replacement, including the budgeting of <br />replacement costs over the life of the vehicle; the work done with a professor and local arborists to prevent the spread <br />of “thousand cankers” disease and the partnership with local carpenters to use the salvaged wood; the iPhone app tied <br />to the department’s maintenance management system (MMS); and the car-wash kits used to promote environmentally <br />sustainable car washing. <br /> <br />“One of the real benefits of the accreditation program is its involvement of staff from all levels of the organization,” said <br />Public Works Director Kurt Corey. “I would like to particularly acknowledge the efforts of Carla Spangler and Gary <br />McNeel for serving as our reaccreditation managers, keeping everyone on track, and facilitating all of the logistics <br />leading up to the on-site review.” <br /> <br />For more information, contact Gary McNeel at 541-682-8451 or Carla Spangler at 541-682-4929. <br /> <br />Fleet and Radio Services Hosts Regional 100 Best Fleets Seminar <br />City of Eugene Fleet and Radio Services recently hosted and participated in a seminar presented by the 100 Best <br />Fleets in cooperation with the Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB). The May 31 session included a tour of <br />Eugene’s and EWEB’s fleet facilities. <br /> <br />The 100 Best Fleets Program recognizes and rewards peak performing <br />public fleet operations in North America. Currently in its seventh year, the <br />program recognizes the top public fleets and encourages ever-increasing <br />levels of performance improvement in the fleet industry. Eugene Fleet <br />Manager Tony Jobanek and EWEB Fleet Manager Gary Lentsch <br />presented their best practices to the audience of fleet managers from <br />across Oregon. <br /> <br />“Having two public agencies in Lane County that have their fleet <br />operations recognized in the top 100 in North America is an amazing <br />accomplishment,” said Tom Johnson, president of the 100 Best Fleets <br />Program. City of Eugene Fleet Services has been recognized for the <br />past four consecutive years as one of the top 100 fleets among the over <br />Tony Jobanek (left) and Tom Johnson, president of <br />100 Best Fleets. <br />38,000 public fleets across North America. In 2011, Fleet Services was <br />th <br />ranked as the 19 best fleet in the program. The 2012 rankings will be announced on June 20. <br /> <br />“Being recognized as one of the 100 top public fleets in the nation is a testament to not just each and every Public <br />Works Fleet and Radio Communications team member, but also to the relationships that are built between Fleet <br />Services and other City departments,” Jobanek said. “It doesn’t mean that we’re perfect, but it does indicate that we’re <br />making strides to do the right thing and that we continue to work toward operational improvements to cost effectively <br />and efficiently serve the needs of our customer departments and the community.” <br /> <br />For more information, contact Tony Jobanek at 541-682-4808. <br /> <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 <br />June 14, 2012 <br />
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