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CCMinutes - 01/12/04 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CCMinutes - 01/12/04 WS
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6/10/2010 10:28:51 AM
Creation date
8/10/2004 10:24:16 AM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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the group before she reached a decision about its membership. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey said that his suggestion for a committee to consider City facility needs was based on the <br />comments he heard from the council about the need to plan for new facilities. He doubted any money was <br />needed to support the committee. He said that it was a vision that followed up on the work done by the <br />Planning Commission Plus Three Councilors. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey noted that the Council Committee on Intergovernmental Relations (CCIGR) would consider <br />the United Front agenda at its meeting the next day. He reported there was considerable community support <br />for the concept of off-ramps at 1-5 and Franklin Boulevard to serve Eugene and Springfield. <br /> <br />Speaking to Ms. Taylor's earlier comments, Mayor Torrey said that the Eugene Charter stated that the <br />mayor was to provide a State of the City address and to challenge the City. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey also wished the council a Happy New Year. He commended the work done by City staff on <br />the State of the City event. <br /> <br />B. WORK SESSION: Lane County Animal Regulation Advisory Task Team Report <br /> <br />Finance and Court Operations Executive Manager Cindi Hamm introduced Scott Bartlett, Chair of the Lane <br />County Animal Regulation Advisory Task Force, Bill Fleener, the Vice Chair of the task force, and Carol <br />Pomes, purchasing manager responsible for managing the City's contract with the Lane County Animal <br />Regulation Authority (LCARA), and the City's liaison to the task force. She noted that LCARA Manager <br />Mike Wellington and David Sucart of Lane County were also present. <br /> <br />Mr. Bartlett reviewed the contents of the task force's final report, entitled Lane County's Animal Regulation <br />Advisory Task Force Findings and Recommendations. He provided a PowerPoint presentation summariz- <br />ing the report's findings and recommendations in six areas: 1) licensing; 2) spay and neutering; 3) legal <br />issues; 4) public education; 5) facilities and staffing; and 6) funding. <br /> <br />Mr. Bartlett invited questions. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson asked to what extent the task force research indicated that other communities' ordinances <br />took into consideration whether an animal was kept indoors all the time or outdoors. Mr. Bartlett said that <br />many people kept cats in the house all the time for safety considerations. He agreed that was a considera- <br />tion. He was persuaded that within reason, the City should relax its animal limit laws and allow two more <br />dogs if they were rescued dogs and sterilized. He said that the task force was approached by breeders who <br />were operating illegally and felt it was unfair. He said that breeders supported loosening the limitation and <br />preferred that nuisance laws govern the issue. Mr. Bartlett said he was recommending that the County <br />double its limit. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson indicated interest in the targeted spay and neuter voucher program. She expressed <br />appreciation that the task force recognized the public safety implications of the issues involved. She recalled <br />the Budget Committee's priority-setting exercise in 2003, and said she ranked the service highly at that time <br />because of its public safety implications. <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council January 12, 2004 Page 4 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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