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Boards and Commissions Recruitment Continues <br />Recruitment for positions on city boards, committees and commissions continues through September 24. Currently the <br />City is seeking applicants for positions on the Budget Committee, Planning Commission, Toxics Board, Police <br />Commission, Historic Review Board and the Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority. <br /> <br />During the Eugene Celebration, information and application materials will be available at the Human Rights Commission <br />booth. Staff from the various groups will be on hand to answer questions. <br /> <br />Applications and supplemental materials are due on by 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 24. Information on the application <br />process and requirements is available online at, us or at the City Manager's Office. For more <br />information, please contact Mary Walston at 682-5406. <br /> <br />Stream Team Proqram Coordinator Receives Award <br />On Wednesday, August 18, the Eugene Downtown Lions Club <br />presented Eugene Stream Team Program Coordinator Lorna Baldwin <br />with the club's Environmental Award, a hand-crafted walking stick. <br />Though the special award is usually awarded to a club member, : <br />Baldwin received the award in recognition of her efforts working with <br />the club for the past five years on its Delta Ponds improvement <br />project. <br /> <br />"She doesn't just stand around and supervise but she gets right in <br />there and works as hard as anyone," says retired judge and Lion <br />Frank Alderson. "She can add Eugene Downtown Lions Club to the <br />many colleagues and volunteers who love and respect her." <br /> <br />The club "adopted" the Delta Ponds nature trail in 1997 and has <br />organized a major work party every spring and fall since. A diverse Loma Baldwin, Iowerleft, earns Lions Club award <br />group of people attend these biannual work parties and spend the day <br />maintaining and restoring the trails through the ponds on the east side of Goodpasture Island Road. Through the Stream <br />Team program, Baldwin facilitates this and other groups and individuals in hands-on environmental work, restoring and <br />caring for the city's waterways and natural areas by providing environmental education, tools and other logistical and <br />project support. For more information about Stream Team, call Lorna Baldwin in Parks and Open Space at 682-4850. For <br />more information about the Lions service group, call 484-0452. <br /> <br />Neighborhood Parks at Several Locations in Euqene are Under Construction <br />Thanks to the 1998 parks and open space bond measure, <br />improvements are underway at three neighborhood parks, and <br />construction bids are currently being reviewed for a fourth park. <br /> <br />In the northernmost part of the city, the renovation of Awbrey and <br />Arrowhead parks is underway. In the plans for Awbrey Park, <br />located at River Road and Spring Creek Drive are two new play <br />areas, one designed for children ages 2-5 and the other designed <br />for children ages 5-12; accessible parking and walkways; a covered <br />seasonal restroom; and new picnic tables and park seating. One of <br />the innovative features of the improved parking lot is stormwater <br />drainage through a bio-filtration swale, where runoff travels through <br />a vegetated area to filter impurities such as heavy metals, oils and <br />other pollutants. The northern portion of the park consists of a <br />wooded natural area with Spring Creek winding through it. This area <br />will remain natural habitat, and, if funds are available after <br />construction, a new pedestrian footbridge will be constructed across the creek, as well as a path that travels through the <br />area to the residential neighborhood north of the park. In the first week of construction, the old parking lot was removed <br />and reconfigured, the site was cleared and graded, the new play areas and paths were excavated, and the new concrete <br />paths have been formed. Local contractor Aspen Springs anticipates completing the job by the end of October. <br /> <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 <br />September 1,2004 <br /> <br /> <br />