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An Ounce of Prevention: EPD Crime Prevention Team’s Work Pays Off <br />The Eugene Police Department’s Crime Prevention Team has been hard at work helping educate football fans on the <br />best way to prevent becoming a victim of theft while attending a game. “Don’t Leave Anything in Your Car” has been <br />the mantra for the first home games and it appears that game attendees are listening. <br />During the home opener there were only two reports of theft from a vehicle where the <br />victim had been attending the game. As of the morning of September 19, there were <br />still no thefts related to the games on September 8 or September 15, which is a good <br />indicator that the programs in place are working amazingly well. <br /> <br />The unit has taken a multi-avenue approach to reaching attendees, including various <br />types of media coverage, pre-game radio public service announcements, flyers at the <br />parking areas utilized for game day traffic, on-site patrols and communication to ticket <br />holders with the assistance of the University of Oregon Athletics Department. <br /> <br />The Eugene Police Department (EPD) hopes not only that the Ducks’ winning streak <br />will continue, but the fans’ winning streak against thieves will go on as well. To ensure <br />success, the team will carry on with the push to educate every fan on ways to protect <br />property each and every game. For more information on this outreach, contact <br />Sergeant Lisa Barrong at <br /> <br />Upcoming Meetings Focus on Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan <br />Public Works Engineering will be conducting three meetings over the next two weeks to implement recommendations <br />in the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (PBMP). <br /> <br />th <br />West 18 Avenue <br />The first meeting is for a repaving project scheduled for (Washington to near Chambers) in summer <br />2013. The PBMP calls for buffered bike lanes from Friendly to Chambers. The meeting will be held to discuss design <br />options and preferences for improvements that may occur as part of the paving project. <br /> <br />Date: Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012 <br />Time: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. <br />Location: Cesar Chavez Elementary School cafeteria, <br />th <br />1510 West 14 Avenue <br /> <br />During the first week of October, two meetings will be held to <br />discuss projects for which the City intends to apply for state <br /> <br />transportation grant funding. The first meeting will be held Oct. 2in <br />northeast Eugene <br /> to determine improvements needed to <br />implement proposed bicycle boulevards and associated pedestrian <br />crossing improvements in the Cal Young, Northeast Neighbors, and <br />Harlow neighborhoods. <br /> <br />Date: Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2012 <br />Time: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. <br />Residents began discussing the Amazon Corridor in May. <br />Location: Sheldon Community Center gymnasium, 2445 <br />Willakenzie Road <br />Web site: <br /> <br />Amazon Active Transportation Corridor <br />Improvements to implement the will be explored on Oct. 4. A meeting was <br />held May 22 to determine desired improvements, including pedestrian bridges across Amazon Creek, improving the <br />Rexius Trail, and upgrading the bike lanes on East and West Amazon drives (Hilyard to Snell). The project also <br />includes extending the Amazon Path south through Tugman Park. The application for the Amazon Active <br />Transportation Corridor is being prepared for funding through the 2015 - 2018 State Transportation Improvement <br />Program. <br /> <br />Date: Thursday, Oct. 4, 2012 <br />Time: 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. <br />Location: Hilyard Community Center main hall, 2580 Hilyard Street <br />Web site: <br /> <br />For more information on these meetings, contact Reed Dunbar, associate transportation planner, at 541-682-5727 or <br /> <br /> <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 <br />September 20, 2012 <br />