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DRAFT WITH PROPOSED AMENDMENTS <br /> 9/1/04 <br /> <br /> EUGENE CITY COUNCIL OPERATING AGREEMENTS <br /> Exhibit to Resolution Number 4777 <br /> Approved on September 22, 2003 <br /> <br />reasons justifying the lack of 24-hour notice shall be included in the minutes of such meeting. As <br />per both the Eugene Charter, Section 9, and Eugene Code, Section 2.007 (2), the Mayor or three <br />of the members of the Council, may call a special meeting of the Council in manner provided in <br />E.C. 2.007 (3). <br /> <br />1.05 Public Forum <br />A public comment period generally shall be the first item of every regular meeting of the Eugene <br />City Council. The Public Forum shall not exceed a maximum of 30 minutes, unless a majority of <br />councilors present vote to extend the time. A motion to extend the time of the Public Forum is <br />not debatable. <br /> <br />Persons wishing to speak at the Public Forum must sign up to do so not later than 15 minutes <br />after the meeting has been called to order by the Mayor or presiding officer. The Mayor or <br />presiding officer shall inform the audience of the requirement to sign up to speak not later than <br />15 minutes after the meeting has been called to order or prior to the conclusion of the Public <br />Forum. <br /> <br />Members of the public may speak about any topic during the Public Forum, except as provided <br />below. If a member of the public wishes to speak on an item that is scheduled for a public <br />hearing at that same meeting, the speaker shall wait until that public hearing. The Public Forum <br />cannot be used to testify about an item that is not a public matter or which has already been heard <br />by a Hearings Official, or to provide or gather additional testimony or information on a quasi- <br />judicial matter after the official record has been closed. <br /> <br />Speakers at the Public Forum will be limited to three minutes. Generally, the speakers will be <br />called upon in the order in which the "request to speak" forms are received by the staff at the <br />meeting. No persons will be allowed to complete a "request to speak" form more than 15 minutes <br />prior to the start of the meeting. <br /> <br />Should there be more speakers than can be heard for three minutes each during the 30 minute <br />Public Forum, the staff will sort the "request to speak" forms in order to afford a greater <br />opportunity for a number of topics to be heard during the Public Forum. If there are a large <br />number of speakers on a single topic, staff is directed to intermix request to speak forms from <br />persons wishing to speak on a less stated topic. The "request to speak forms," in this case only, <br />will not remain in the original order in which they were received in order to improve the <br /> <br />Eugene City Council Operating Agreements - September 22, 2003 Exhibit to Resolution Number 4777 <br />Page 2 of 14 <br /> <br /> <br />