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CC Newsletter - 09/02/04
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Council Newsletters
CC Newsletter - 09/02/04
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9/2/2004 3:11:41 PM
City Council
Council Newsletter
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After nearly a half century of musical and humanitarian contributions, Willie Nelson has become a national treasure. <br />Come on out to the Cuthbert for this "not to be missed" concert and enjoy an evening of country under the stars Willie <br />style. For more information, contact the Hult Center Ticket Office at 541-682-5000. <br /> <br />Mental Health Court <br />In September, Eugene Municipal Court will implement a new program to assist defendants with mental illness. Lane <br />County Health and Human Services Department received federal grant funds through the Department of Justice for <br />additional assessment and treatment resources, and has been working on this program since October 2003 with Lane <br />County Circuit Court. However, Circuit Court and the District Attorney's Office have not had the numbers of eligible <br />defendants going into the Mental Health Court program to provide sufficient data for grant-reporting purposes. <br />Defendants with mental illness who are charged with minor behavioral crimes typically have their cases filed at the <br />municipal court level. Circuit Court Judge Cynthia Carlson approached Municipal Court about establishing a similar <br />program in order to boost the number of referrals for treatment and evaluation. <br /> <br />The Mental Health Court program will be primarily a diversion program to encourage defendants to obtain and continue <br />with treatment. During the six-month diversion period, they will receive free medications, free treatment, and housing <br />assistance. The defendants are required to report to a specified monthly court session where the judge reviews their <br />progress. In some cases, instead of diversion, Mental Health Court may be identified as a condition of a defendant's <br />probationary period. For either diversion or probation, defendants must first be evaluated by Lane County Mental Health <br />staff and deemed eligible for the Mental Health Court program. Judge Mary Jane Mori and Court Operations Supervisor <br />Gabriele Glenn are to be commended for developing and implementing the program in Eugene Municipal Court. Judge <br />Wayne Allen, City Prosecutor Dan Barkovic, indigent defense counsel Dan Neal, and other court staff were also involved <br />in the planning effort. <br /> <br />In the justice system, Mental Health Court is a new type of what is known as "therapeutic" court. These courts focus on <br />the root causes of crime. Drug courts are another type of therapeutic court. The monthly check-in court sessions will be <br />very different from other court sessions held in municipal court. The judge develops a more personal relationship with <br />each defendant, asks about his/her family, and becomes something like a coach. At the end of the diversion period <br />when the case is dismissed, there is a "graduation" ceremony to congratulate the defendant on his or her <br />accomplishment. Indeed, for many people with mental illness, completing six months in treatment is quite an <br />accomplishment. For further information, contact Marilyn Nelson at 682-5580. <br /> <br />First in Series of Meetinqs on Santa Clara Community Park Slated For September 9 <br />On Thursday, September 9, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., neighbors in the Santa Clara area are invited to discuss the <br />prospects for a community park in Santa Clara. Community members, partners, and City staff will be on hand to provide <br />information, answer questions, and discuss issues, solutions and opportunities regarding the land acquisition proposal for <br />Santa Clara Community Park. A unique urban growth boundary land trade will provide 77 acres for a new community <br />park and 120 acres of "smart growth" neighborhood development. The meeting will be held in the Spring Creek <br />Elementary School cafeteria at 560 Irvington Drive in Eugene. <br /> <br />For more information, including a complete report from the committee that analyzed and developed the proposal, call <br />Parks and Open Space Planning Manager Andrea Riner at 682-4909, or visit the project webpage at <br />, us/parks/planning/SCCP_proj.htm. <br /> <br />ORPA Gives Three Cheers For Parks and Open Space <br />A miraculous volunteer, a progressive park, and a fact-packed website caught the attention of Oregon Recreation and <br />Parks Association (ORPA) this year. Parks and Open Space received the VIP Marketing Award for its newly redesigned <br />website and the Design Award for the recently completed Oakmont Park. Ray Wiley, a park advocate, received the <br />Voluntary Service Award. <br /> <br />The redesigned Parks and Open Space website, found at, us/parks, won the VIP Marketing Award with <br />its 200 user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing pages where visitors will discover a board range of information related to <br />the division's services and programs. Favorite features include "Find a Park by Amenity," which allows visitors to select <br />specific amenities and geographical regions to find a park that meets their search criteria, and webcams that allow <br />visitors to view live scenes from area parks. Other important upgrades were made to improve the website's ADA <br /> <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 2 <br />September 2, 2004 <br /> <br /> <br />
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