Alley Valkyrie, Ward 1, opposed the DPSZ.
<br />o
<br /> John Monroe, Ward 1, opposed the DPSZ, citing legal issues.
<br />o
<br /> Juan Carlos Valle, Ward 2, spoke in support of Opportunity Eugene and against coal trains.
<br />o
<br /> Aaron Baker, former railroad employee, supported coal trains for jobs.
<br />o
<br /> Betty Snowden supported the DPSZ for safety reasons and provided anecdotal experience.
<br />o
<br /> Sue Sierralupé, Ward 1, opposed the DPSZ, citing human rights concerns.
<br />o
<br /> Loretta Huston opposed coal trains, noting her environmental concerns.
<br />o
<br /> Ernie Niemi opposed coal trains for environmental reasons.
<br />o
<br /> Scotty Perey opposed the DPSZ and voiced concerns about homelessness.
<br />o
<br /> Howard Bonnett, Ward 3, opposed coal trains and coal use.
<br />o
<br /> Lynn Anderson opposed coal trains, citing health concerns and lower property values.
<br />o
<br /> Joanne Gross, Ward 6, opposed coal trains, citing environmental and health concerns.
<br />o
<br /> Jack Dresser, research scientist, opposed coal trains for environmental reasons.
<br />o
<br /> Ann Kelvin, Ward 2, opposed the DPSZ, citing homeless concerns.
<br />o
<br /> Misha Seymour, opposed the DPSZ saying people are being denied their human rights.
<br />o
<br /> Gerry Rempel, Ward 1, opposed coal transport and use, citing environmental concerns.
<br />o
<br /> Jordan Chestnut, Ward 1, opposed coal transport and use.
<br />o
<br /> Noah DeWitt, Ward 1, opposed coal transport and use for environmental reasons.
<br />o
<br /> Carla Hervert supported Alan Zelenka’s resolution opposing coal trains.
<br />o
<br /> Bob Macherione, Ward 5, opposed the DPSZ, saying it’s unconstitutional.
<br />o
<br />th
<br /> Sabra Marcroft, Ward 7, read the 9 Circuit Court Ruling related to property rights of homeless.
<br />o
<br /> Cameron Hubbe opposed coal trains.
<br />o
<br /> Joe Tyndall spoke in support of homeless people and against coal trains.
<br />o
<br /> Gregory Walker opposed the DPSZ saying no study has been done.
<br />o
<br /> Heather Marek opposed the DPSZ saying no data has been gathered.
<br />o
<br /> Dennis Gabrielson supported the use and transport of coal.
<br />o
<br /> Jennifer Turner opposed the DPSZ, citing a lack of data.
<br />o
<br /> Jim Davidson opposed the DPSZ, citing homeless and youth concerns.
<br />o
<br /> Celeste Edman, Ward 4, local business owner, spoke in support of the DPSZ.
<br />o
<br /> Marina Hajek spoke in support of increasing the minimum driving age, citing safety reasons.
<br />o
<br /> Karen Beasley opposed coal train transport for safety and environmental reasons.
<br />o
<br /> Donna Cowan opposed diesel exhaust from idling trains and opposed coal trains.
<br />o
<br />
<br />5. ACTION: An Ordinance Extending the Sunset Date for the Downtown Public Safety Zone;
<br />Amending Sections 4.875 and 4.876 of the Eugene Code, 1971; Providing for Court-
<br />Appointed Attorneys; and Providing for an Effective Date
<br />
<br />
<br />MOTION: Councilor Brown moved, seconded by Councilor Ortiz, to not adopt Council Bill
<br />5077, which would cause the Downtown Public Safety Zone (DPSZ) Ordinance to sunset on
<br />November 30, 2012.
<br />
<br />SUBSTITUTE MOTION AND VOTE: Councilor Clark, seconded by Councilor Poling,
<br />moved to substitute the revised ordinance proposed by Mayor Piercy. PASSED, 5:4,
<br />councilors Brown, Taylor, Zelenka and Ortiz opposed; Mayor Piercy broke the tie in favor.
<br />
<br />VOTE ON MAIN MOTION AS SUBSTITUTED: PASSED 5:4, councilors Ortiz, Taylor,
<br />Zelenka, and Brown opposed, Mayor Piercy broke tie in favor.
<br />
<br />MOTION AND VOTE: Councilor Pryor, seconded by Council Farr, moved that the City
<br />Manager create a committee, with council input, to develop a path to end the DPSZ that
<br />would involve social services, public safety, prevention and enforcement, and that the City
<br />MINUTES – Eugene City Council October 8, 2012 Page 2
<br />Regular Meeting
<br />
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