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ORDINANCE NO. 20503 <br />AN ORDINANCE TEMPORARILY ALLOWING "CONESTOGA HUTS" WHERE <br />CAMPING IN VEHICLES IS NOW ALLOWED UNDER SECTION 4.816 OF THE <br />EUGENE CODE, 1971; PROVIDING FOR AN IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVE DATE; <br />AND PROVIDING A SUNSET DATE. <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds as follows: <br />A. Section 4.816 of the Eugene Code, 1971 (EC) provides for the regulation of <br />overnight sleeping. EC 4.816(1)(a) and (c) contain provisions for overnight sleeping in a <br />vehicle, camper or trailer under certain circumstances and in certain areas. A temporary <br />exception has been approved to allow sleeping in tents where these provisions allow for <br />sleeping in vehicles. <br />B. Another temporary exception to the provisions contained in EC 4.816(1)(a) and <br />(c) concerning overnight sleeping should be granted to allow for overnight sleeping in a <br />"Conestoga hut" where overnight sleeping would be allowed in a vehicle. An example of a <br />"Conestoga hut" is attached as Exhibit A to this Ordinance. This exception is being adopted as <br />a pilot program to determine the viability of such a program. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1 . EC 4.816(1)(a) and (c) are amended to provide that, for purposes of the <br />overnight camping provisions of EC 4.816(1), a "Conestoga hut" shall be considered a "vehicle." <br />Notwithstanding any provision of EC Chapter 8 or Administrative Rules adopted under that <br />chapter, "Conestoga huts" may be constructed for this purpose. <br />Section 2 . The City Manager shall adopt pursuant to EC 2.019 Administrative Rules <br />regulating the minimum requirements to qualify as a "Conestoga hut" for purposes of this <br />Ordinance. Until the City Manager adopts these administrative rules, no one may use a <br />Conestoga but under section 1 of this ordinance. <br />Section 3 . Due to the upcoming Council break and inclement weather, the adoption of <br />this Ordinance should proceed under Section 28(3) of the Eugene Charter of 2002. Prior to <br />adoption of this Ordinance, the City Council unanimously agreed that it was in the public interest <br />to proceed with consideration and enactment of this Ordinance at a single meeting, and without <br />the public notice otherwise required under section 28. <br />Ordinance - Page 1 of 2 <br />