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CC Minutes - 12/10/12 Meeting
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CC Minutes - 12/10/12 Meeting
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1/17/2013 11:06:09 AM
City Council Minutes (2)
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City Council Minutes - Meeting Date
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Mayor Piercy adjourned the City Council meeting and opened the meeting of the Urban Renewal Agency <br />(URA). <br />6. PUBLIC HEARING AND ACTION: <br />Resolution Adopting a Supplemental Budget; Making Appropriations for the Urban Renewal <br />Agency of the City of Eugene for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2012 and Ending June 30, <br />2013 <br />• John Barofsky noted reasons for issues related to this item. He expressed confidence in City <br />staff while noting the importance of budget issues. <br />MOTION AND VOTE: Councilor Brown, seconded by Councilor Farr, moved to adopt a <br />resolution adopting a Supplemental Budget; making appropriations for the Urban Renewal <br />Agency of the City of Eugene for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013. <br />PASSED: 7:0 <br />The Mayor adjourned the meeting of the URA and reconvened the meeting of the Eugene City Council. <br />7. WORK SESSION: <br />Homelessness Project Siting Discussion Follow -Up <br />MOTION AND VOTE: Councilor Zelenka, seconded by Councilor Farr, moved to authorize the <br />city manager to take the steps necessary to locate a pilot project for a low -cost micro - housing <br />project for homeless individuals at the city -owned North Garfield site for a period not to exceed <br />October 1, 2014. Those steps shall include at a minimum (a) entering into a lease with a non- <br />profit organization with an ending date for the lease of October 1, 2014; (b) selection of a non- <br />profit provider to operate the pilot project, and (c) consult with the selected non - profit <br />organization as it is preparing its application for a conditional use permit for the site. The lease . <br />shall include but not be limited to terms which (a) require insurance to protect the City against <br />liability, (b) ensure that the site is fully restored at the conclusion of the lease to its present <br />condition, and (c) require a nominal fee for leasing of the site for the short -term period. <br />Not later than March 2014, the city manager shall schedule a work session with the council to: <br />(a) provide a report on the pilot project and any recommendations for improvements if the <br />council authorizes the pilot project to continue after October 1, 2014, and (b) provide the council <br />with one or more alternative sites for the continued pilot project. <br />The Mayor noted that a Conditional Use Permit will take 4 -6 months, but in the interim other <br />things related to the host site can be worked on to prevent additional delays. <br />PASSED 6:1; Councilor Clark opposed. <br />Councilor Brown suggested staff look at Conestoga Huts to use as temporary housing or in place of <br />tents. Council originally didn't include the huts in the City Code definition of a'tent', but upon City <br />Attorney suggestion, the council agreed to hold a public hearing on short notice to change the <br />definition and add Conestoga Huts to the definition. Seeing no concerns from the council, a Public <br />Hearing was scheduled on 12/12/12. <br />Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />MINUTES — Eugene City Council December 10, 2012 Page 3 <br />Regular Meeting <br />
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