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Item 1: Local Option Levy for City Services
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2013
CC Agenda - 02/04/13 Public Hearing
Item 1: Local Option Levy for City Services
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Last modified
2/1/2013 10:53:09 AM
Creation date
2/1/2013 10:51:25 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />Under the revised recommendation, the council would amend the stormwater ordinance to put <br />the mechanism in place to add a parks services fee component. The decision about setting the <br />initial fee level and funding from the new parks services fee would occur during the FY14 budget <br />process this spring. It was understood that the proposed changes to the parks services fee would <br />be developed in a way that matches EWEB’s current practices for billing customers in different <br />tiers. <br /> <br />The proposed local option levy to maintain City services would be a flat amount levied each year <br />from FY14 through FY18. It would total $3.6 million per year, and would fund fire and ambulance <br />services, human services, economic development and restoration of library services. It is <br />estimated that the tax rate would be approximately $0.28 per $1000 of assessed value, and the <br />median home (currently valued at $172,965 by the Lane County Assessor) would pay about $51 <br />per year in additional property taxes for the levy. The levy would include a provision for an <br />oversight committee that would review the levy each year to ensure that the dollars were spent in <br />accordance with the ballot measure approving the levy. <br /> <br />The council chose this direction over the option to balance the FY14 budget without new <br />revenues. The City Manager presented information to the council that included a list of alternate <br />budget reductions that would be the basis for preparing a no-new-revenue budget in FY14. That <br />list is included as Attachment B. <br /> <br />In addition, the City Manager pointed out that the revised recommendation does not fully close the <br />anticipated $6 million budget gap. This would mean that the FY14 Proposed Budget will include <br />additional measures to close the gap. Those measures could be identifying ongoing services from <br />the alternate budget reduction list to reduce expenditures, or could include using one-time <br />funding to temporarily support the additional services for one more year. <br /> <br />Timeline and Next Steps: If the council should decide to move forward with asking voters to <br />consider placing a local option levy to maintain services on the May ballot, action must be taken no <br />later than February 13. Immediately following the public hearing on February 4, the council will <br />be asked to provide any additional input or direction to the City Manager so that a resolution can <br />be drafted ahead of the February 11 follow-up work session. <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />Council Goal of Fair, Stable and Adequate Financial Resources. <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />There are three options presented for the council: <br /> <br />1.Direct the City Manager to develop a resolution placing a $3.6 million local option levy for City <br /> <br />services on the May 2013 ballot. The levy would pay for fire and ambulance services, human <br />services, economic development services and restoration of library services, and would <br />include an oversight committee to review spending. <br /> <br /> S:\CMO\2013 Council Agendas\M130204\S1302041.doc <br /> <br />
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