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(a) Regulated property purchased by any used merchandise dealer shall not <br />be sold for a period of 14 full days after the date the report required in <br />subsection [(-3}](4) is received by the city. The used merchandise dealer <br />shall maintain the purchased property in substantially the same form as <br />purchased and shall not commingle the property in a manner that <br />precludes identification during this 14 -day holding period. The <br />purchased property shall be located on the business premises during <br />normal business hours during this holding period so that it can be <br />inspected as provided in subsection [M](8). The 14 -day holding period <br />does not apply to a pledge held by a pawnbroker. <br />(8) Inspection of used merchandise dealers and regulated property Upon <br />presentation of official identification, any peace officer may enter onto the <br />business premises of any used merchandise dealer to ensure compliance with <br />the provisions of subsections (1) — [{6}](7). The inspection shall be for the <br />limited purpose of inspecting any regulated property purchased by the dealer, <br />held by the dealer pursuant to subsection [{6)](7), or the records incident <br />thereto. Any inspection pursuant to this subsection shall only be authorized to <br />occur during normal business hours. <br />These corrections are authorized by Section 3 of Ordinance No. 20500, and a copy of this <br />memo should be attached to that Ordinance. <br />City of Eugene • 125 E. 8th Ave. . Eugene, OR 97401 • 541- 682 -8447 • 541 - 682 -5414 Fax <br />www.eugene- <br />(00083082;1) <br />