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CCMinutes - 07/21/04 WS
City of Eugene
Council Minutes
CCMinutes - 07/21/04 WS
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9/17/2004 9:49:38 AM
City Council Minutes
Work Session
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support for a new police facility, particularly combining support services through social services <br />agencies with law enforcement functions. She said she was inclined to support Option A+. <br /> <br />Mr. Meisner remarked that Option D was what the City needed, but he agreed that it was not <br />feasible at the present time for the November ballot. He supported Option A+ and expressed <br />hope that the education process for the public regarding the City's long-term facility requirements <br />and the need for Option D would be undertaken promptly, regardless of what was placed on the <br />November ballot. He noted that most people were familiar with the concept of spending more <br />than a structure was worth for maintenance and City Hall was approaching that point. He agreed <br />that the butterfly lot project could be done with other revenue sources such as urban renewal <br />district or parking funds. <br /> <br />Mr. Pap6 concurred with Mr. Meisner's comments. He said that past councils had recognized the <br />limited lifespan of the current City Hall and worked with staff to develop long-range plans to <br />meet facility needs and identify financing strategies. He congratulated the council and staff for <br />moving in the right direction and said he could support options A+ through D and while Option D <br />was the best choice to address long-term needs, the timing was poor and he would consider <br />options A+ and B. <br /> <br />Ms. Nathanson commented that she would like to implement the Civic Facilities Visioning <br />Committee's recommendation, but recognized that it was not possible to accomplish it all at once <br />or in one project. She felt that Option A+ would begin the process of continuing improvements <br />to downtown and City facilities in a sensible way that conserved money and moved the City <br />forward toward its vision. She stated her support for options A+, B, or others, but Option D was <br />too ambitious. She expressed concern about the description of Option A+ and whether it would <br />limit options for space occupied by other entities in the facility. <br /> <br />Mr. Kelly commented that there was no question that City Hall needed to be replaced and all of <br />the arguments for replacing police facilities also applied to replacement of City Hall general <br />facilities. He said he could not support Option A+ because of concerns that future expansion <br />might never occur and the building as planned only provided for space needs to 2018. He said he <br />was apprehensive about the chance for any measure to win on the November ballot. He stated <br />that if any measure was placed on the November ballot, it ought to be Option D. <br /> <br />Ms. Taylor stated that she did not think any option should be placed on the ballot until 2006. She <br />said she preferred Option B of those presented. She said that the public should be allowed to vote <br />on the use of any internal funds for such projects. She encouraged the council to consider placing <br />Option B on the ballot in 2006, with a different location instead of directly across 8th Avenue. <br /> <br />Ms. Bettman declared she was pleased to see support for Option D as any other option was short- <br />sighted because of the potential to prejudice future ballot measures and the fact that the City's <br />need for expanded capacity would not be fully met. She urged the council to demonstrate <br />leadership by educating the public about the need for new City Hall and police facilities. She said <br />she did not feel there was support in the community for either Option A+ or B. <br /> <br />Mayor Torrey said he would support Option D if a majority of the council supported it, but asked <br />where the funding for a campaign for the ballot measure would be obtained. He said that no one <br />in the community had come forward in support of a large bond measure. He commented that as a <br />practical matter, a new police facility would need to be built so that police functions could be <br />moved out of City Hall and into a secure facility that met the seismic code, and he therefore saw <br /> <br />MINUTES--Eugene City Council July 21, 2004 Page 3 <br /> Work Session <br /> <br /> <br />
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