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<br />ECC <br />UGENE ITY OUNCIL <br />AIS <br />GENDA TEM UMMARY <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Work Session: Metro Plan Boundary Adjustment Proposal (Springfield Side) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Meeting Date: April 24, 2013 Agenda Item Number: B <br />Department: Planning and Development Staff Contact: Alissa Hansen <br /> Contact Telephone Number: 541-682-5508 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ISSUE STATEMENT <br />This work session provides an opportunity to update the City Council on the proposed Metro Plan <br />boundary amendment to adjust the boundary on the Springfield side of the plan, prior to taking <br />action at a subsequent meeting. <br /> <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />In 2011, the Lane County Board of Commissioners initiated an amendment to the Eugene- <br />Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) to make adjustments to the boundary of <br />the Metro Plan. This proposal is directly related to five areas of concern previously identified by <br />the board and discussed by the joint elected officials over the past few years. The purpose of this <br />particular amendment is to seek jurisdictional autonomy on land use matters for those areas that <br />are outside the urban growth boundaries of Springfield and Eugene, but currently inside the Metro <br />Plan boundary. <br /> <br />The current Metro Plan amendment under consideration is to reduce the size of the Metro Plan <br />boundary on the east side of I-5, with a resulting Metro Plan boundary that would be coterminous <br />with Springfield’s urban growth boundary (UGB). Approval of this amendment would result in <br />Lane County having sole jurisdictional authority on all land use matters for land outside of <br />Springfield’s UGB that is currently within the Metro Plan. Copies of the current and proposed <br />Metro Plan boundary are provided as Attachments A and B. Adjustment of the Metro Plan <br />boundary on the Eugene side is not part of the current proposal. <br /> <br />Based on the Metro Plan’s amendment procedures, Eugene is required to participate in this <br />proposal to adjust the boundary on the Springfield side. The process includes a joint planning <br />commission public hearing and recommendation, followed by a joint elected official’s public <br />hearing and action. All three jurisdictions must approve the same Metro Plan boundary location <br />for the proposal to take effect. <br /> <br />In July 2012, the joint planning commissions of Lane County, Springfield and Eugene held the <br />required public hearing, and held a continued hearing in August 2012. Following the close of the <br />public hearing record, the three planning commissions met jointly in October 2012 for <br />deliberations and to provide recommendations to their respective elected officials. The Eugene <br /> S:\CMO\2013 Council Agendas\M130424\S130424B.doc <br />