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2. Encourage a broad range of uses that would complement research act~vitms of the <br /> University of Oregon as well as provide necessary limited commercml support <br /> serwces and opportunmes for multiple-family housing. <br /> <br /> 3. Allow flex~b~hty ~n future development of the area for Umvers~ty-related uses as <br /> well as hmited commercial and residential uses m a supportmg role. <br /> <br /> 4. Prowde flexibility ~n standards for density, s~te design and bulk, and relationship to <br /> the adjacent Willamette River Greenway, <br /> <br /> 5. Address emdronmental protectmn and mmgat~on needs~ <br /> <br /> Section 60O-~Proiect Activities <br /> <br /> In order to achieve the object,yes of this plan, the following actiwties wall be undertaken on behalf <br /> of the City of Eugene by the Renewal Agency, m accordance w~th apphcable Federal. State, <br /> County, and City laws, policies, and procedures. <br /> <br />A, PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS <br /> 1. Street, Curb, and S~dewalk Improvements <br /> Improvements xvlthm the renewal area will reqmre the construction of new street, curb, and <br /> sidewalks within the plan area. The Renewal Agency may participate in funding sidewalk and <br /> roadway ~mprovements including design, redesign, construction, resurfacing, repair and acqmsltion <br /> of right-of way for curbs, streets, and sidewalks, and pedestrian and b~cycle paths. Projects to be <br /> undertaken include: <br /> * Local street, curb, and sidewalk improvements ~dentified ~n the Eugene Capital <br /> Improvements Program (CIP) and the Vision For a Greater Downtowm <br /> Eugene Report and the Courthouse District Concept Plan. <br /> ~ Other curb, s~dewalk and street improvements identified by the Renewal Agency. <br /> <br /> 2. Public Utihties <br /> The development proposed for the renewal area will reqmre the replacement and construction of <br /> water, storm and sanitary sewer fhcihnes, environmental m~t~gat~ons, These improvements include: <br /> Sanitary sewer, water, and storm water system upgrades & replacements ~dent~fied m Eugene <br /> Capital Improvements Program <br /> * Pubhc ut~hty improvements necessary to assist in the development of the Federal Courthouse <br /> .M~t~gation of stormwater ~ssues relating to the development of the EWEB property <br /> <br /> 3. Streetscape Projects <br /> Th~s activity will enable the Renewal Agency to pammpate m actlvmes lmprowng the wsual <br /> appearance of the plan area. These improvements may include: <br /> Accent paving <br /> Decorative hghtmg <br /> Street trees, planters, and lan,dscap~ng <br /> Furnishings, ~nclu&ng benches, trash receptacles, b~cycle racks <br /> Street and directional slgnage <br /> Pubhc art and water features <br /> Gateway monuments and Landscape Features <br /> Undergroundmg of overhead utilities m the renewal area <br /> <br /> Page 8 <br /> <br /> <br />