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G. PROPERTY DISPOSITION AND REDEVELOPER OBLIGATIONS <br /> <br /> All real property acquired by the Agency ~n the plan area , if any, shall be disposed of for <br /> development for uses permitted ~n the plan at ~ts fair reuse value for the specific uses to be <br /> permitted on the real property. Real property acquired by the Renewal Agency may be &sposed of <br /> to any other public entity ~n accordance with th~s plan. All persons and entities obtaimng property <br /> from the Agency shall use the properVy for the purposes designated ~n this plan and comply w~th <br /> other condlt~ons which the Agency deems necessary to carry out the purposes of this plan. <br /> <br /> 1. Redeveloper's Obhgat~ons. Any redeveloper and Ns successors or asagns w~thln the plan <br /> area, ~n ad&tion to the other controls and obhgat~ons stipulated and reqmred of h~rn by the <br /> provisions of th~s plan, shall also be obhgated by the following reqmrements: <br /> <br /> a. The Redeveloper shall obtain necessary approvals of proposed developments from all <br /> Federal, State, or local agencies that may have jurls&ct~on on properties and famhtms <br /> to be developed or redeveloped within the plan area; <br /> <br /> b. The Redeveloper shall develop or redevelop such property in accordance w~th the <br /> adopted land use proxasions; <br /> <br /> c. The Redeveloper shall submit all plans and specifications for construcnon of <br /> ~mprovements on the land to the Agency for review and dlsmbutmn to approprmte <br /> reviewing bo&es as required by the City and shall comply with all applicable <br /> reqmrements of ex~st~ng City codes and or&nances; <br /> <br /> d. The Redeveloper shall commence and complete the development of such property for <br /> the uses prowded ~n th~s plan w~thln a reasonable period oft~me; and <br /> <br /> e. The Redeveloper shall not effect or execute any agreement, lease, conveyance, or other <br /> ~nstrument whereby lhe real property or part thereof ~s restricted upon the bas~s of age. <br /> race, color, rehgton, sex, marital status, or national origin m the sale. lease, or <br /> occupancy thereof. <br /> <br />H. REHABILITATION AND CONSER-VATION <br /> <br /> 1. Intent. It is the ~ntent of th~s Plan to encourage conservatmn and rehabilitation of emst~ng <br /> buildings which can be economically rehab~Iltated. Existing bmldmgs ~n the plan area are <br /> considered an important asset in mamtmnmg and improwng the economic em~ronment of <br /> the plan area. <br /> <br /> 2. Method. Rehab~htat~on and conservation may be achmved ~n two ways: <br /> <br /> a. By owner and/or tenant activity, w~th or-without financml assistance; <br /> <br /> b. By the enforcement of existing C~ty codes and or&nances. <br /> <br /> 3. Financial Bmldlng Rehabilltatmn Assistance. The Agency, w~th funds avmlable to ~t, may <br /> promulgate mles~ guidehnes and ehglinlity reqmrements for the purpose of estabhsh~ng <br /> below-market or market rate loan programs, grants, or other financial incentives to advance <br /> the goals and object,yes of the R~verfront Urban Renewal District Plan. Loans, grants or <br /> incentives prowded by the Agency may be used for voluntary rehab~htat~on of bml&ngs, <br /> fagade improvements, provision of amenities on private property in compliance with adopted <br /> design gmdelines and standards, construction of new buil&ngs, pre-development assistance, <br /> <br /> - Page 12 <br /> <br /> <br />