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RIVERFRONT URBAN RENEWAL DIST~CT PLAN <br /> <br />Part 1. <br /> Section 100--Introduction <br /> <br /> The R~verfront Urban Renewal D~str~ct, pertaining to an area of approximately 178 acres within the <br /> boundaries of the city, consmts of Part 1, Text and Part 2~ Exhibits. Thru plan has been prepared by the <br /> Planmng and Development Department of the City of Eugene pursuant to the prows~ons found w~thin the <br /> Oregon Revised Statutes, ORS Chapter 457, the Oregon Constitution, and all apphcable laws and <br /> ordinances. <br /> <br /> Section 200--Definitions <br /> <br /> The fbllow4ng definlt~ons w~ll govern thts plan unless the context otherwise reqmres. <br /> <br /> Acqms~tmn means the act or process of acquiring fee t~tle or interest other than fee t~tle of real property <br /> (~nclud~ng the acquisition of development r~ghts of remainder interest). <br /> <br /> Agency or Renewal Agency means the Eugene Renewal Agency which ~n accordance w~th ORS Chapter <br /> 457 ~s the officml Urban Renewal Agency of the C~ty of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. <br /> <br /> Blighted areas means areas which, by reason of deterioration, faulty planning, inadequate or ~mproper <br /> fac~litms, deleterious land use, or the existence of unsafe structures, or any combinatmn of these factors, <br /> are detrimental to the safety, health, or welfare of the commumty. A blighted area ~s characterized by the <br /> emstence of one or more of the conditions as described in ORS 457.010(1). <br /> <br /> ~ means the C~ty of Eugene, Lane County, Oregon. <br /> <br /> Count-~ means the County of Lane, State of Oregon. <br /> <br /> Dmtr~ct means R~verfront Urban Renewal Plan area <br /> <br /> Exhibit means an attachment, either nan'at~ve or graphic, to the plan for the plan area. <br /> <br /> ORS means Oregon Rewsed Statutes (State law). ORS Chapter 457 regulates the urban renewal process. <br /> <br /> Plan or Development Plan means the Urban Renewal Plan for the Pdverfront Urban Renewal D~stnct area. <br /> The plan consists of Part 1, text and Part 2, exhibits. <br /> <br /> Pro el_~ means any undertaking or act~wty within the R~verfront Urban Renewal D~str~ct project area, such <br /> as a pubhc ~mprovement, street projecL or loan program ~vh~ch is authorized by and implements provisions <br /> set forth ~n the Development Plan. <br /> <br /> Plan area means the entire Riverf?ont Urban Renewal D~smct area. <br /> <br /> Redeveloper means any mdlwdual or group which acqmres property, or which receives financml <br /> assmtance for the physical ~mprovement of pubhcly or pr~vately-held structures and 1 and w~thln the plan <br /> area. <br /> <br /> Page 3 <br /> <br /> <br />