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Item A: Downtown Development Update
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 04/19/06 Work Session
Item A: Downtown Development Update
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6/9/2010 1:01:06 PM
Creation date
4/14/2006 8:47:15 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />zoning adjustments. There are a number of elements in the plan on which less progress has been made. <br />The work session will provide a chance to discuss these aspects of the 2004 Plan as well as other policy <br />issues that need additional exploration at this time. <br /> <br />Planning and Development staff recently provided information for council consideration of downtown- <br />related issues on the following dates: <br /> <br />1/9/06: Downtown Development Update <br />2/8/06: East Broadway Development Projects <br />2/13/06: East Broadway Development Update (continuation of 2/8/06 work session) <br />2/13/06: ORI Update <br />2/22/06: East Broadway Development Projects <br />3/13/06: East Broadway Development Projects (public hearing) <br />3/15/06: East Broadway Development Projects <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />These ongoing and prospective downtown projects and work program concepts address implementation <br />strategies and policies from the Downtown Plan, the Growth Management Policies, and the Goals and <br />Objectives from the Riverfront and Downtown Urban Renewal Plans. These projects and concepts do <br />not directly address or affect council goals or policies. <br /> <br />Downtown development projects and work program concepts are consistent with the policies and <br />implementation strategies included in the Eugene Downtown Plan, including: <br />• Downtown development shall support the urban qualities of density, vitality, livability and diversity <br /> to create a downtown, urban environment. <br />• Actively pursue public/private development opportunities to achieve the vision for an active, vital, <br /> growing downtown. <br />• Use downtown development tools and incentives to encourage development that provides character <br /> and density downtown. <br />• Stimulate multi-unit housing in the downtown core and on the edges of downtown for a variety of <br /> income levels and ownership opportunities. <br />• Promote multi-story, mixed-use structures downtown through financial incentives or code <br /> amendments. <br />• Develop additional financial tools to assist with the development of housing, including the use of <br /> bonds, tax increment financing, land assembly and parking. <br /> <br />In addition, these projects and concepts are responsive to the following Growth Management objectives: <br />Policy 2: Encourage in-fill, mixed-use, redevelopment, and higher density development. <br />Policy 3: Encourage a mix of business and residential uses downtown using incentives and zoning. <br />Policy 10: Encourage the creation of transportation-efficient land use patterns and implementation of <br /> nodal development concepts. <br />Policy 14: Development shall be required to pay the full cost of extending infrastructure and services, <br /> except that the City will examine ways to subsidize the costs of providing infrastructure or <br /> offer other incentives that support higher-density infill, mixed use, and redevelopment. <br /> <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2006 Council Agendas\M060419\S060419A.doc <br /> <br />
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