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Item A: Comprehensive Plan for Bringing Properties into City
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2013
CC Agenda - 05/08/13 Work Session
Item A: Comprehensive Plan for Bringing Properties into City
Entry Properties
Last modified
5/3/2013 11:13:53 AM
Creation date
5/3/2013 9:58:48 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />especially in Santa Clara; increased access to Willamette River; protection for <br />agricultural land; and so on. <br /> <br />Envision Eugene <br />In 2010, the City of Eugene began a community visioning process called Envision Eugene. The two <br />primary goals of Envision Eugene are to: 1) determine how Eugene will accommodate the next 20 <br />years of growth in the community, and 2) create a future that is livable, sustainable, beautiful and <br />prosperous. <br /> <br />In June 2012, the City Council directed staff to move forward with the formal adoption package <br />necessary to implement Envision Eugene and a new Urban Growth Boundary (UGB). Since that <br />time, staff has been making progress on the various components necessary to formally adopt a <br />new UGB. Components will be brought forward to the council as they are ready, with local UGB <br />adoption anticipated in 2014. <br /> <br />An important action identified in Envision Eugene, that will occur after the UGB adoption process <br />is complete, is the development of an Area Plan for the River Road and Santa Clara neighborhoods. <br />This Area Plan will address impacts of increasing urbanization, will build on and implement the <br />previous work done in the neighborhoods, and will coordinate with work being done on service <br />provision and special district issues. <br /> <br />Annexation as a tool to comprehensive and equitable service provision <br />In December 2007, the City Council adopted an ordinance establishing the procedures for <br />annexation requests and amending Chapter 9 of the Eugene Code to include the procedures. The <br />City Council last reviewed River Road/Santa Clara annexation strategy at a council work session <br />on January 24, 2007. At that time, the council passed a motion which halted the practice of adding <br />right-of-way to annexation requests in the River Road/Santa Clara area where such additions <br />would create islands. <br /> <br />The Metro Plan contains numerous policies which establish the long-standing direction for how <br />annexation should occur in Eugene. These policies recognize that over time, land within the urban <br />growth boundary (UGB) shall be annexed to the city. State law provides several means for how <br />annexation can occur, including such options as City-initiated annexations. However, the Metro <br />Plan provides more specific direction which relies solely on property owners to initiate <br />annexation. This typically occurs when property owners pursue new development on their land <br />(new residence, subdivision of land, etc.). The City’s land use code calls for properties to be <br />annexed as properties further urbanize. <br /> <br />While this approach has enabled incremental annexation to occur, more recent changes in state <br />law have made this approach more challenging. Since 2008, all annexation requests must be <br />contiguous to the city limits. Given the patchwork pattern of annexations, especially in the River <br />Road/Santa Clara area, there are many properties that are not contiguous to any city limits, <br />making them currently ineligible for annexation. As a result, many properties are unable to <br />pursue new development until adjacent properties annex. <br /> <br /> S:\CMO\2013 Council Agendas\M130508\S130508A.doc <br /> <br />
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