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EUGENE CITY COUNCIL <br />AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br />Eugene <br />Action: Ordinance Amending the Eugene - Springfield Metropolitan Area General <br />Plan (Metro Plan) by Adopting a New Metro Plan Boundary that Is Coterminous <br />with the City of Springfield Urban Growth Boundary East of Interstate 5; Adopting <br />Savings and Severability Clauses; and Providing for an Effective Date <br />(City File MA 11 -1) <br />Meeting Date: May 28, 2013 <br />Department: Planning and Development <br />www.eugene - <br />Agenda Item Number: 5 <br />Staff Contact: Alissa Hansen <br />Contact Telephone Number: 541 - 682 -5508 <br />ISSUE STATEMENT <br />The City Council will take action on the proposed Metro Plan boundary amendment to adjust the <br />boundary on the Springfield side of the plan. <br />BACKGROUND <br />In 2011, the Lane County Board of Commissioners initiated an amendment to the Eugene - <br />Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) to make adjustments to the boundary of <br />the Metro Plan. The purpose of this particular amendment is to seek jurisdictional autonomy on <br />land use matters for those areas that are outside the urban growth boundaries of Springfield and <br />Eugene, but currently inside the Metro Plan boundary. This proposal only pertains to the <br />Springfield side of the Metro Plan Boundary. <br />The current Metro Plan amendment under consideration is to reduce the size of the Metro Plan <br />boundary on the east side of I -5, with a resulting Metro Plan boundary that would be coterminous <br />with the Springfield urban growth boundary (UGB). Approval of this amendment would result in <br />Lane County having sole jurisdictional authority on all land use matters for land outside of <br />Springfield's UGB that is currently within the Metro Plan, except that specific issues related to <br />drinking water protection would remain a joint - governance matter between the Lane County <br />Board of Commissioners and the Springfield City Council through an intergovernmental <br />agreement. <br />Based on the Metro Plan's amendment procedures, Eugene is required to participate as a decision <br />maker in this proposal to adjust the boundary on the Springfield side. The process included a joint <br />planning commission public hearing and recommendation (in July /August 2011 and October <br />2011, respectively), followed by a joint elected official's public hearing (March 2012) and action. <br />Since the joint elected official's public hearing, the City of Springfield, Lane County and the <br />Springfield Utility Board have worked together to reach an acceptable solution to ensure that <br />S:ACMO \2013 Council Agendas \Ml30528 \Sl3O5285.doc <br />