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Item 5: Ordinance Amending the Metro Plan Boundary (Springfield Side)
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2013
CC Agenda - 05/28/13 Meeting
Item 5: Ordinance Amending the Metro Plan Boundary (Springfield Side)
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Last modified
5/24/2013 1:57:44 PM
Creation date
5/24/2013 1:36:55 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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4. Comprehensive approach to changing Metro Plan: Approval of this amendment would <br />result in unequal decision making on one side of I -5 as compared to the other. Testimony <br />from the public suggested that a comprehensive approach to changing the Metro Plan - <br />after both cities have established separate urban growth boundaries - is preferable to the <br />proposed two -phase approach. On the other hand, the cities are pursuing the <br />establishment of separate urban growth boundaries in very different manners, and with <br />separate community visions, values and relationships. Approval of this amendment would <br />allow the City of Springfield to pursue the city's vision consistent with its values, and re- <br />define its relationship with Lane County. <br />S. Intergovernmental relationships /partnerships: This is the issue of how the <br />jurisdictions work together over time and the relationships that are built and maintained. <br />While approval would change the regulatory structure for decision making in this area, it <br />also has the potential to improve and strengthen relationships with regional partners. <br />The Lane County Board of Commissioners has tentatively approved the proposal, and is scheduled <br />to take final action on June 4, 2013, after both cities have taken action. All three jurisdictions must <br />approve the same Metro Plan boundary location, including substantively identical ordinances for <br />the proposal to take effect. <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />The City Council may consider the following options: <br />1. Approve the ordinance <br />2. Approve the ordinance with specific modifications as determined by the City Council (Note: All <br />three jurisdictions must adopt substantively identical ordinances for the proposal to take <br />effect. Any substantive changes to the ordinance by the Eugene City Council will require new <br />action by the Springfield City Council.) <br />3. Deny the ordinance <br />CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION <br />The City Manager recommends that the City Council approve the proposed ordinance contained in <br />Attachment A. <br />SUGGESTED MOTIONS <br />Move to approve Council Bill 5067, an ordinance amending the Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan <br />Area General Plan (Metro Plan). <br />S:ACMO \2013 Council Agendas \Ml30528 \Sl3O5285.doc <br />
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