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Item B: Core Campus Housing
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2013
CC Agenda - 05/29/13 Work Session
Item B: Core Campus Housing
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Last modified
5/24/2013 1:58:55 PM
Creation date
5/24/2013 1:54:22 PM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />for the Core Campus project with specific points on safety for pedestrians and bicyclers (see <br />Attachment D). <br /> <br />Public Benefits <br />After reviewing the Core Campus application against the public benefit scoring criteria in the <br />Standards and Guidelines, staff determined that the proposed development earned 290 points. (A <br />minimum of 100 points is required for the City Manager to recommend that council approve an <br />application.) Points were awarded for the project through the following benefits: <br /> <br />Density: 50 points (10 points per unit in excess of the minimum code requirement; 50 point <br /> <br />o <br />max) <br />Green Building Features and Quality of Building Materials: 100 points for planned LEED <br /> <br />o <br />certification <br />Accessibility: 40 points (10 points per accessible unit) <br /> <br />o <br />Location: 100 points for being located within the Downtown Plan Area <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />Financial Analysis <br />The applicant demonstrated that the project as proposed could not be built but for the benefit of <br />the tax exemption. Core Campus will need to provide 25 percent ($11 million) of the project’s <br />financing in the form of equity, which is likely to come from an equity investor active in the <br />nationwide market. Additionally, the proposed project will require the investor to assume some <br />risk from the major redevelopment costs associated with the site and from the rate of absorption <br />of the large number of proposed units brought into the local student housing market. Core <br />Campus has indicated that their equity investor will require a minimum rate of return of 8.96 <br />percent in the first year. Without the MUPTE savings, The Hub is projected to generate a 4.7 <br />percent first-year rate of return, which is insufficient to attract the required equity investment. <br />The MUPTE tax exemption would lower annual operating costs by approximately $450,000, which <br />produces higher net operating income and results in a projected 8.7 percent first-year rate of <br />return. (See Attachment E for more detailed financial analysis.) <br /> <br />Staff and the Loan Advisory Committee reviewed the pro-forma, including assumptions regarding <br />lease rates, operating costs, capitalization rate, lender underwriting criteria, interest rate <br />assumption, and market expected rate of return. The committee confirmed the financial <br />assumptions used in the analysis and unanimously concluded that the tax exemption is needed to <br />generate a return on investment sufficient to attract the required equity investment. <br /> <br />Tax Impact <br />The Hub in Eugene will continue to generate property tax revenue on the land. Staff estimates the <br />property tax paid will be $11,200 in year 1. After 10 years, the entire development will be taxable, <br />estimated at $620,000 in year 11. Core Campus states that the MUPTE is vital to the development <br />and, if it is denied, the 12-story housing development will not be built. The chronically <br />underdeveloped site is zoned C-2, community commercial for medium-density commercial. The <br />surrounding area is a mix of fast food and small format motels. If the Core Campus project does <br />not move forward, the property is likely to develop in a similar manner as the surrounding area, <br />which would produce less value and tax revenue. <br /> <br /> S:\CMO\2013 Council Agendas\M130529\S130529B.doc <br />
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