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Item 2E: Resolution Placing PROS Bond Measure on Ballot
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 05/08/06 Meeting
Item 2E: Resolution Placing PROS Bond Measure on Ballot
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6/9/2010 12:36:59 PM
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5/4/2006 9:45:04 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />Young and Madison middle schools as its priority sites with Jefferson, Roosevelt, and Spencer Butte <br />middle schools as subsequent candidates. Bethel has identified Willamette High School and two sites at <br />Meadowview Middle School as candidates. One of the potential Meadowview sites would span portions <br />of land owned by the district and by the City at the north end of Bethel Community Park. Assuming <br />passage of the City bond measure and with 4J funding already identified, it is anticipated that at least <br />three of the fields could be build within the next two years. However, the total number of additional <br />synthetic turf fields that can be developed or their timing for construction is unknown at this time due to <br />the uncertainty of when additional partnership funding would be available from the two districts. <br /> <br />The City’s portion of annual maintenance costs for the synthetic fields is estimated at $15,000 per field <br />constructed. Some of the proposed sites currently have restrooms that can serve the fields and others do <br />not. Additional annual maintenance costs will be incurred by the City for locations where new <br />restrooms are built to serve the fields or where existing restroom services are required to expand. The <br />City share of the annual restroom maintenance cost is estimated to be approximately $10,000 per <br />restroom. <br /> <br />Recreation Division annual operating costs to schedule community use of the existing synthetic turf <br />fields is approximately $3,000 per field. The City share of the annual lighting cost is approximately <br />$4,000 per field. The City receives approximately $4,000 in rental and $2,000 in light revenue per field <br />annually. The revenue potential of the proposed new fields is currently unclear. An evaluation of <br />revenue potential will need to be conducted after locations are finalized. <br /> <br />The range of future operating and program costs for the projects included in the bond measure is <br />summarized in the table below. The total, ongoing costs for the sports fields are shown in a range, and <br />will depend on the number of fields constructed and whether the fields have restroom facilities or lights. <br />These costs represent a commitment of future General Fund resources. <br /> <br /> Maintenance and Program Costs <br />Acquire Land for Future Parks $26,000 <br />Acquire Natural Areas $65,000 <br />West Eugene Wetlands $20,000 <br />Education Center <br />Artificial Surface Sports Fields $115,000 – $165,000 <br /> Total $226,000 - $276,000 <br /> <br />The size of the bond measure would include not only the project costs, but also the costs for issuing <br />debt. The cost of issuing a $25 million bond is $490,000 for a total bond of $25,490,000. The <br />resolution to place this bond measure on the 2006 ballot is included as Attachment A. <br /> <br />The estimated tax rate in the first year (FY08) would be $0.30 per $1000 of assessed value, while the <br />average tax rate over the 20-year repayment would be $0.14 per $1000 of AV. The estimated cost to the <br />median homeowner in the first year would be $44, while the average cost over the 20-year repayment <br />would be $26. According to the Lane County Assessor’s Office, the median home had an assessed <br />value of $137,961 as of this fiscal year. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2006 Council Agendas\M060508\S0605082E.doc <br />
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