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<br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on May14, 2013, to consider the proposed <br />amendments. A total of three people testified at the public hearing. All three expressed support <br />for the amendments. Of the three, one person testified specifically in favor of not requiring <br />commercial use on the ground floor in the C-2 Community Commercial zone, and mentioned the <br />benefit to affordable housing projects. The two others specifically recommended that the <br />boundary of the traffic impact analysis exemption be increased beyond the boundary originally <br />proposed. <br /> <br />Following the public hearing, the Planning Commission met over the course of several meetings in <br />June 2013 to deliberate and provide a recommendation to the City Council. During deliberations, <br />the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of all of the amendments with the <br />exception of one. Related to the proposal to allow housing on the ground floor of buildings in the <br />C-2 commercial zone, the Planning Commission vote was split (3 to 3). Following deliberations, <br />the Planning Commission voted unanimously to forward their recommendations to the City <br />Council. <br /> <br />Regarding the Planning Commission’s split vote, it was on the proposal that would allow the <br />ground floor of a building in the C-2 Community Commercial zone to be entirely housing, whereas <br />currently a certain percentage of the ground floor must be in commercial use. Providing housing <br />on the ground floor in the commercial zones is already allowed within downtown. Those voting in <br />favor of the proposal expressed support for horizontal mixed use and increased housing <br />opportunities in downtown, on key transit corridors, and in core commercial areas. They also <br />cited the fact that the multi-family development standards would apply to these projects, thereby <br />providing more protection than currently required for buildings with ground floor in commercial <br />use with housing above. Those voting in opposition of the proposal expressed concern about the <br />potential for increasing density in the C-2 zone without providing accompanying measures to <br />address the transitions between higher density residential uses and adjacent lower density <br />residential uses. Following the public hearing and the City’s receipt of all testimony, a <br />recommendation will be included in the council packet for action on July 22, 2013. <br /> <br />Further details regarding the Planning Commission’s discussion, along with a complete set of <br />record materials, are available for review in a binder located at the City Council Office, and via <br /> <br /> <br />Findings in support of the proposal are included as Exhibit A to the ordinance (Attachment B). <br /> <br /> <br />RELATED CITY POLICIES <br />Findings addressing consistency with related City policies, including provisions of the Metro Plan <br />and applicable refinement plans, are included as an exhibit to the proposed ordinance (Exhibit A <br />of Attachment B). <br /> <br /> <br />COUNCIL OPTIONS <br />No action is required at this time; however, options will be provided at the time of City Council <br />deliberations and action scheduled for July 22, 2013. <br /> <br />S:\CMO\2013 Council Agendas\M130715\S1307151.doc <br /> <br />