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6/12/2009 1:58:59 PM
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1/4/2006 6:06:03 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance vacating beginning at the NE corner of Alpha Place Addition. (See ordinance for complete description.)
Approved Date
Elisha Large
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84 <br />ORDINANCE N0. 8641 <br />An Ordinance vacating the following described area, to-wit: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of Alpha Place Addi- <br />tion as platted and recorded in Lane County, Oregon Plat <br />Records running thence South 83° 25' West 147.69 feet to <br />the Northeast corner of Lot 20 in said addition thence <br />along a curve to the left the radius of which is 100 feet <br />to a point 10 feet from the North line of said addition, <br />thence North 830 25' East to the West line of Willamette <br />Street thence North.l4° 13' West 10.09 feet to the place <br />of beginning, being a strip of land 10 feet wide lying <br />within Grand View Drive. <br />WHEREAS, heretofore and on the 25th. day of March, 1940, the Common Council <br />'of the City of Eugene passed an Ordinance setting a hearing for the 13th day of j~ <br />'May, 1940 i~n the Council Chambers, at which time and place protests and remonstrance: <br />could be heard as to the vacation of the following premises, to-wit: <br />~ 'I <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of Alpha Place Addi- <br />tion as platted and recorded inoLane County, Oregon Plat III <br />~ Records running thence South 83 25 West 147.69 'feet <br />to the Northeast corner of Lot 20 in said addition thence <br />along a curve to the left the radius of which is 100 feet ! <br />to a point 10 feet from the North line of said addition, j <br />~'! thence North 83° 25' East to the Vilest line of Willamette 'i <br />Street thence North 140 13' West 10.09 feet to the place ~' <br />j of beginning, being a strip of land 10 feet wide lying within ~~ <br />Grand View Drive. '~ <br />land, <br />I <br />WHEREAS, a hearing was held pursuant to said Ordinance in the Council <br />,Chambers in the City Hall in the City of Eugene on Monday, the 13th day of May, <br />X1940 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. and at said time the Council heard all objections, and <br />UVHEREAS, all persons owning property abutting upon said portion of street <br />proposed to be vacated have consented to said vacation and have applied for said <br />vacation, it being the purpose of said vacation that Grand View Drive as it enters <br />Willamette Street should properly be located ten feet farther South than at present <br />located and it is necessary and desirable that the change be made before further <br />improvements are made upon the street, <br />Now, Therefore, <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The Common Council of the City of Eugene finds that due and <br />,legal notice of said hearing was published and posted as required by law; that no <br />valid objections has been made at said hearing, or filed; that the consent of the <br />!owners of the abutting property, properly acknowledged, has been filed in said <br />proceeding; and that the public interest will not be prejudiced by the vacation of <br />,said portion of street. <br />i <br />Section 2. That said hearing was held on the 13th day of TuZay, 1940 at <br />7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall in Eugene, Lane County, <br />(Oregon, and that all matters necessary to be done have been completed. <br />Section 3. That the following described area, to-yJit: <br />Beginning at the Northeast corner of Alpha Place Addi- <br />tion as platted and recorded in Lane County, Oregon Plat <br />Records running thence South 83° 25' West 14?.69 feet <br />to the Northeast corner of~Lot 20 in said addition thence <br />along a curve to the left the radius of which is 100 feet <br />to a point 10 feet from the North line of said addition, <br />thence North 83° 25' East to the Vilest line of 4iiillamette <br />Street thence North 140 13' West 10.09 feet to the <br />place of beginning, being a strip of lane 10 feet wide <br />lying within Grand View Drive. <br />be and the same is hereby vacated (reserving to the City of Eugene the right to <br />maintain, place and maintain public utilities in such area) and the area so vacated, <br />being a portion of a street, shall revert to the abutting property pursuant to the <br />statutes of the State of Oregon. <br />Section 4. The Recorder be and he is hereby directed to file a certified <br />copy of this Ordinance with the Recorder of Lane County, Oregon, together with a <br />map or plat of said property, and that a certified copy of the Ordinance shall be <br />ffiled with the County Assessor and another certified copy of the Ordinance shall <br />ibe filed with the County Surveyor. <br />I <br />i <br />
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