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~t~8 <br />ORDINA7JCE IJO 8938 <br />An Ordinance regulating and licensing pinball machines and similar <br />devices and garaes, and other devices and machines, .the playing or operation of <br />which is had by the depositing of coins or slugs therein and are played or <br />operated for amusement only, and providing a penalty for violation of the pro- <br />visions hereof, repealing Ordinance No. 8g31, and declaring an emergency. <br />THE CITY OF` EUGEDTE DOES ORDAIN AS 1OLLOWS: <br />Section 1. (a) ~'he term "person" v~rhenever used in this Ordinance shall <br />mean and include a person, a firm, a corporation, except municipal corporations, <br />• or copartnership, and the singular number shall include the plural. <br />(b) The term "machine" tilhenevar used in this Ordinance shall <br />mean and include any pinball, marble game or similar device or game, or other <br />game played for amusement, and any merchandise handing device or machine, and any <br />juke box or music or sound producing machine, regardless of the number of re' <br />motecontrol selector and selecting devices, and any other music or sound pro- <br />jector or device, and any other machine er device the playing or. operation of <br />r•Thich is had by depositing therein coins or slugs, except pay telephones and <br />pay toilets. <br />Seotion 2. From and after November 1, 181+6, it shall be unlawful for <br />any person to maintain, keep, operate or permit the operation or playing of any <br />machine described in Section (b) of Section 1 hereof on ary premises within L-he <br />City of Eugene, without first outaining a license therefor in the manner herein' <br />after provided; and further provided that no such machine so licensed shall be <br />operated or peY~rtitted to be operated as a gambling machine or device. <br />Section 3. (a) Any person desiring to obtain a license to operate or <br />maintain any such machine, shall make application therefor at the office of <br />the City Recorder on blanks to be furnished for that purpose, and shall describe <br />the place of business or premises where such machine is to be operated or main- <br />tained, acid also describe the kind and type of such mac2~ine. Eac,i license shall <br />be approved by the City t,~anager and/or the City Recorder before issuance thereof <br />for the particular machine so licensed. Provided, however, the City Ivianager and <br />or the City Recorder may in his discretion, with ooncurrence of the CY~icf of <br />Police, reject any or all applications for licensing hereunder for any reason or <br />cause deemed sufficient. <br />(b) Any such machine so licensed hereunder may be transferred <br />to a different locaL-ion or premises than originally licensed upoi application <br />therefor apprcveci by the City P,~Tanager and~ur the City Recorder. Provided, however, <br />the City Manager and~or the City Recorder may in their discretion, with concurrence <br />of the `Chief of ?olice, i•aject any and all applications for transfer. <br />