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ORDINANCE NO. 19173 <br />AN ORDINANCE REGARDING SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES; <br />AMENDING SECTIONS 1.010 AND 1.065 OF THE EUGENE CODE, <br />1911; ADDING SECTIONS 7.401, 1.100, 7.702, 1.705, <br />1.110, 1.115, 7.120, 1.125, 1.730, 1.135, AND 1.740 <br />TO THAT CODE; REPEALING SUBSECTION 1.1152}fib}5.d, <br />SECTIONS 1.245, 1.215, 7.211, 1.219, 1.281, 1.283, <br />AND SECTION 1.285 OF THAT CODE; AND DECLARING AN <br />EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLIOwS:. <br />Section 1. The Counci 1 hereby finds: <br />A. Section 4 of the Eugene Charter of 1976, ORS 223.208 and 223.297 <br />through 223.314 grant the City the authority to impose system development <br />charges SDC} to equitably spread the cost of essential capital improvements <br />to new development. <br />B. Given the inability of the population and the geographic size of the <br />City, most capital improvement projects benefit new level apment regardless of <br />where in the City it occurs. The entire community's health may be affected <br />if adequately sized sanitary and storm sewers are not provided in all loca- <br />t~ ons of the , C~ ty and , ~ is envi raps, Except as modified i n Fi ndi ng D bel ow, <br />development ~ s occurr~ ng throughout the entire City and no single area of the <br />City i s experiencing such a hi gh 1 evel of new development acti of ty to require <br />SCD revenue from development i n one area be dedicated to that same area.. It <br />i s more cost efficient to use SDC revenue from new development i n the entire <br />community to finance the growth related portion of capital improvements based <br />upon acity-wide priority rather than to hold the SDC revenue generated in <br />one area of the community for improvements just in that area. <br />C. The increase in administrative cast to account for receipt and expen- <br />diture of SCD revenues based upon geographic areas of the City rather than on <br />a c i ty-wide basis would divert revenue from needed capital improvement pro - <br />jects . Except as stated i n F i ndi ng D bel ow, the benefit of minimizing admi n- <br />istrati ve costs attributable to the system development charge outweighs the <br />benefit of allocating SDC revenues and expenditures based upon geograph i c <br />areas. <br />D. In an endeavor to equitably spread the cost of providing sanitary <br />sewer service between new development within the corporate 1 i mi is of the <br />City and existing and new development i n the uni ncorparated areas of River <br />Road and Santa Clara, the system development charge established for sanitary <br />sewers i n River Road and Santa G1 ara shall recover the cost of capital i m- <br />provements constructed to serve those areas, Ta the extent possible the <br />methodology for sanitary sewers shall take into account the necessity of <br />segregate ng such 5DC revenue, and expenditures. However, nathi ng i n thi s <br />F~nd~ng sha11 preclude the City from advancing the cost of constructing sani- <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />